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The Priest or Medicine-Man or rather the succession of Priests or Medicine-Men whose figures would recur again and again as leaders and ordainers of the ceremonies, would be glorified at last into the composite-image of a God in whom were concentrated all magic powers.

From a spot many marches to the south the Indians had come to the fort in midsummer, leaving behind them a long track of dead and dying men over the waste of distance. "Give us help," they cried, "give us help, our medicine-men can do nothing against this plague; from the white man We got it, and it is only the white man who can take it away from us."

I shall do nothing of the sort No, don't say that; say that English gentlemen I mean pale-face medicine-men from over the seas, never undress in the presence of ladies; their religion forbids it." Gondocori was about to remonstrate again when the queen interposed and insisted on knowing what I said.

This had been the man's safety through how many years or how many generations they did not know; for legends regarding the pilgrim had grown and were fostered by the medicine-men, who, by giving him great age and supernatural power, could, with more self-respect, apologize for their own incapacity.

One of our medicine-men, who had listened to the truth from Tecumah's mouth, told us that there were several passages running underground which had possibly been undiscovered by the builders.

The wailing of the women at the camp, lamenting those just dead; the howling of the medicine-men in the distance, performing their incantations over the sick; the mysterious sounds that came from the burning forest and the volcano, all these were heard. Round the council the smoke folded thick and dark, veiling the sun, and shutting out the light of heaven and the mercy of the Great Spirit.

His commands to his medicine-men were, to go forth, and tell all nations, and tribes, and colors, the truth to tell them to 'love them that sought to do them harm, and to do good for evil."

Yet some of the medicine-spirits can transform themselves, and work magic as do medicine-men. The heavenly bodies are either created personages or ancient men or animals translated to the sky. And, last, we find that ancestors are worshipped as gods. Among all the tribes of North America with which we are acquainted tutelarism prevails.

Each wanted it as the stronghold of their witchcraft, their magic. Great bands of these medicine-men met on the small space, using every sorcery in their power to drive their opponents away. The witch-doctors of the North made their camp on the northern rim of the island; those from the South settled along the southern edge, looking towards what is now the great city of Vancouver.

We met two or three young fellows belonging to the large colony of medicine-men who live in Yerandawana, but who do not mix much with the other villagers. They are a roving, easygoing race, fond of hunting and drinking, and with a largely developed element of mischief and fun.