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The other was looking off towards the rye-field, where, for forty years, up and down the hillside, he had travelled with the cradle and the scythe, putting all there was in him into it, and he answered, blinking along the avenue of the past: "Mebbe, mebbe!" Rodney fretted under the old man's vague replies, and said: "But darn it all, can't you tell us what you think?"

"I've got an idee thet we are a-comin' to another openin'," remarked Abe Blower, a few minutes later, after they had made a sharp turn to the right. "Why so?" asked Roger. "I kin feel some fresh air from somewhere." "I feel it too," returned Dave. "Doesn't it come from overhead?" "Mebbe, lad; although I thought it was ahead." "Here is that stream of water!" cried Roger, as they made another turn.

Anyway, Lafe will. He loves everybody, even dogs. He'll love you; sure he will!" The boy shook his head doubtfully. "Nobody but mothers are nice to blind kids. Well well 'cept you. I'd like to go to Lafe's house, though, but mebbe the woman wouldn't want me."

And a great deal of decision went into the churning that accompanied her words. "Mebbe so, mebbe so," said the Squire. He felt that the vagaries of the affections was too deep a subject for him. "Anyhow, Looizy, I don't want no old maids and bachelors potterin' round this farm getting cranky notions in their heads. Look at the professor.

"What's on your mind, Toby?" asked Jack, a short time afterwards, when he noticed the other looking pensive, as though his thoughts might be busy. "Oh! I was only wondering whether we'd hear that queer old booming sound again tonight, that's all, Jack; and mebbe, too, I was trying to figure out just how he manages to make it." Jack smiled.

So this was the weapon? He weighed the keys on his palm. A long time since he had seen a finer collection of skeleton keys, thin and flat and thick and short, smooth and notched, each a gem of its kind. Three or four ordinary keys were sandwiched in between, and Haggerty inspected these curiously. "H'm. Mebbe it's a hunch. Anyhow, I'll try it. Can't lose anything trying."

So, Hugh, don't you see, the idea came to me that mebbe I might be able to get in the building out here if a window happened to be unfastened; which turned out to be the case, you know." "Yes, the very first window you tackled in the bargain, Leon; how fortunate for you!" sneered the unbelieving Thad.

But Romany folks is gret roamers thet's why they're called 'Romany, mebbe," was the reply. "And I guess that black-eyed rascal is a wild one." "Never mind. He got me out o' the river," mumbled Uncle Jabez. They brought the boat to the mill landing in safety, and Ben appeared, having returned from town and put up the mules. He gazed in blank amazement at the condition of his employer and Ruth.

After while all people in those parts is been talkin' about that dog of Filon's that look so keen in the water of Crèvecoeur. Mebbe four, five weeks after that I have killed Filon, one goes riding by that place and sees Helène make mourn by the waterside over something that stick in the sand. It is Filon. Yes. That quick-sand have spit him out again. So you say; but me, I think it is the devil.

I guess mebbe nothin'll happen right off, even if I did burn the crutch. I guess I got kinder beside myself to-night. I ain't likely to be so ag'in." "I'll walk up to the hut with you," said Raven, rising as she did, "and see you safe inside." "No," said she, "I couldn't let you no ways. It's bad enough as 'tis."