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The only thing I am afraid of is that the water is too deep. I'll be a little careful at first" So saying, he lowered himself over the side of the boat, and, drawing in a long breath, sank slowly out of sight. Meanwhile Archie was pulling off his clothes, and, when his cousin appeared, he exclaimed, "How do things look down there? Rather muddy, isn't it?"

And Julie, meanwhile, was saying to herself, "Either I go to him, as he asks, or in a few minutes I must send him away forever." And then as she clung to him, so warm and near, her strength failed her.

"If it be so," replied the magistrate, "rely upon every reparation being made; meanwhile, I am the bearer of an order of arrest, and although I most reluctantly perform the task assigned me, it must, nevertheless, be fulfilled. Who among the persons here assembled answers to the name of Edmond Dantes?"

"We will do what we can," he said, slowly. "Meanwhile, cheerfulness! all the cheerfulness possible." Diana's faint, obedient smile, as she rose to leave the room, touched him afresh. Just married, he understood. These are the things that women do!

So one day when Laurance, whose big heart was full of love and pity for her, asked her to be his wife, she gave him a happy smile and said 'Yes. Before a second month had passed they were quietly married. Masters, meanwhile, had been pursued by the demon of ill-luck.

Their right was Constantinople; their left Pentapolis; between those two points they held Greece, Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt; a position of wealth incalculable. Meanwhile, as we must remember always, they were masters of the sea, and therefore of the interior lines of operation. They had been forced into this position; but, like Romans, they had accepted it.

When his work is complete it will be possible to conjecture with far greater confidence how particular traditions or groups of tradition arose, and to what extent transmission has taken place. Meanwhile, in his recent Huxley Memorial Lecture, he has suggested a third possibility as to the way Deluge stories may have arisen. Anthrop. Inst., 1916.

He, too, receives her kindly, and in the wood she lives with these wild creatures until there she finds a new knight named Satyrane, with whom she once more sets forth to seek the Red Cross Knight. Meanwhile Duessa had led the Red Cross Knight to the house of Pride.

"We don't seem to get on somehow, and I'm afraid I'm a bit rough to her; but knives and scissors! What a temper she have got." Meanwhile, in anything but a pleasant frame of mind, Don had gone home to find that the tea was ready, and that he was being treated as a laggard. "Come, Lindon," said his uncle quietly, "you have kept us waiting some time."

Meanwhile, Leslie found little difficulty in inducing the two blacks to accompany him aboard the catamaran and out to the brig. And when he reached the latter he had not much more difficulty in making them understand what he wanted them to do this, by the way, consisting chiefly in heaving away upon the winch.