United States or Timor-Leste ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

When Charlie would complain of feeling tired, off would come Narcisse's coat, and he would declare that he was feeling completely done up, too, and would not bother going down to the cottage. No amount of persuasion would make him alter his decision. After they had a pipe of tobacco, Charlie would generally, in a most matter-of-fact manner, suggest that they both take a walk.

Barbara, however, could not sleep; so, after an hour or two had passed, she rose, lit a candle, threw on a wrap, and descended the broad staircase, intent upon a queer and enthralling Spanish book the story of a mad knight and his comic, matter-of-fact attendant, which was a favourite of her father's.

Or he was afraid she would be unable to help him to-morrow, and maybe for many days, out in the celery-beds. That was why he spoke anxiously not because he liked her and was sorry. No bitterness was mingled with Tillie's quite matter-of-fact acceptance of these conclusions. "It would be a good much trouble to us if she was took down with the smallpox," Mrs. Getz's tired voice replied.

"Thou hast told me, dear father, that Ludwig makes very good shoes," Roschen said at last, speaking hesitatingly, and in a voice so low that it was little more than a whisper. "Yes," Andreas answered, somewhat taken aback by the irrelevant and very matter-of-fact nature of this remark; "yes, Ludwig makes good shoes." "And thou likest those which he has made for thee?" "Truly. They are good shoes.

There was a species of serious matter-of-fact simplicity in his detail of the most ridiculous scenes that left you convinced that his bearing upon the affair in question must have greatly heightened the absurdity, nothing, however comic or droll in itself, ever exciting in him the least approach to a smile.

That's dreadfully weak, isn't it? And because I haven't more courage, I'm sending you back to the prairie." "I'm quite ready to go." "Oh, I'm sure of that! It's comforting to remember that you're so resolute and matter-of-fact. You wouldn't let troubles daunt you perhaps you would scarcely notice them when you had made up your mind." The man smiled, rather wistfully.

'Do you know more about him than we knew in the summer? Mary, what did Bommaerts pretend to be? 'An Englishman. Mary spoke in the most matter-of-fact tone, as if it were a perfectly usual thing to be made love to by a spy, and that rather soothed my annoyance. 'When he asked me to marry him he proposed to take me to a country-house in Devonshire. I rather think, too, he had a place in Scotland.

"Now," said he, with the fun leaping to his eyes again, "now for the ordeal! Will you conduct me to this Diogenes of a gunner, and have him tell you, without a lantern, whether I am the man he is looking for, or no?" "Yes, we'll go," said Morton in a matter-of-fact tone; "but I don't think he's looking for you.

Your colouring is more like 'Dawn' or 'Spring' or 'Sunshine." "Oh, I HATE my tow-head!" exclaimed Patty. "I wish I was a nut- brown maid." "Don't be foolish," said Cromer, in a matter-of-fact way. "You are the perfection of your own type. I never saw such true Romney colouring. Pardon me, Miss Fairfield, I'm really speaking of you quite impersonally. Don't be offended, will you?"

The broadcast ended in a matter-of-fact statement that plans for the defense-system had been given to all the allies of the United States, that London was already protected and Paris would be within hours, and that within days the nations which were not allies would be assisted to establish defenses, so that atomic war need not be feared in the future.