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He had loved to draw her around his room had been a dozen sketches of her playing golf, swimming he could draw her pert, arresting profile with his eyes shut. They left Rivers' at five-thirty and parsed for a moment on the sidewalk. "Well," said Dean genially, "I'm all set now. Think I'll go back to the hotel and get a shave, haircut, and massage."

Lady Ingleby flapped him with her garden hat as she passed. "Be quiet, you ridiculous child!" she said. "You had no business to listen to what I was saying to Jane. You shall paint me this autumn. And after that I will give up facial massage, and go abroad, and come back quite old." She flung this last threat over her shoulder as she trailed away across the lawn.

Besides diet the Hippocratic physician had at his disposal a considerable variety of other remedies. Baths, inunctions, clysters, warm and cold suffusions, massage and gymnastic, as well as gentler exercise are among them.

A local injection of cocaine for a minor operation is justifiable, but none of the habit-forming drugs should be used in ordinary practice to kill pain, for the proper application of water in conjunction with right living will do it better and there are no evil after effects. Massage is often sufficient.

You smoke a good deal, don't you?" He developed his treatment, recommending massage, gymnastics, travel, or any form of diversion that did not that in short Granice interrupted him impatiently. "Oh, I loathe all that and I'm sick of travelling." "H'm. Then some larger interest politics, reform, philanthropy? Something to take you out of yourself." "Yes. I understand," said Granice wearily.

He stooped to tickle James, who had finished stropping his claws and was now enjoying a friction massage against his leg, and began to brood on the inscrutable way of Fate. Rum thing, Fate! Most extraordinary! Suppose he had never gone down to Marvis Bay that time. He had wavered between half a dozen places; it was pure chance that he had chosen Marvis Bay.

Several wrestling instructors appeared and refreshed us, worn out as we were, by a massage with pure oil, and when our fatigue had abated, we again donned our dining clothes and were escorted to the next room, in which were placed three couches, and where all the essentials necessary to a splendid banquet were laid out in all their richness.

Billy complied, touching the right breast. "You know something about anatomy, picking a muscleless spot," scolded Hall. Billy grinned triumphantly, then, to his amazement, saw a muscle grow up under his finger. He prodded it, and found it hard and honest. "Massage under tension!" Hall exulted. "Go on anywhere you want."

Courtenay gave him a glance of displeased surprise "How dreadful!" Here she turned to Maryllia. "Au revoir, my dear, for the present! As you won't allow any Bridge, I'm going to sleep. Then I shall do massage for an hour. May I have tea in my own room?" "Certainly!" said Maryllia. "Thanks!" She glided out, with a frou-frou of her silken skirts and a trail of perfume floating after her.

If she is an accomplished maid she will probably do a great deal of sewing, and perhaps she will massage her mistress' hair and manicure her nails. But these duties are not to he expected; the mistress who finds her maid is willing to do these things for her, is indeed fortunate.