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An' young Marse Sidney, dat's you'se fader, Missy, and young Marse Hugh, dat's you'se fader, Missy Ella, dey was han'som as picters an' dey drink toasts ter Missy Mary an' compliment her an' she'd blush like a red rose; an' wen dey all 'bout ter march away Missy Mary kiss Marse Hugh jes as ef he her own broder. Lor, Lor, how it all come back ter me!

I picked up the five scalps and started to dinner, and as I passed by the kitchen I threw them under the negro cook's feet and told him to cook them for dinner for my friend and me referring to Jim Beckwith. When he saw the scalps he exclaimed: "Laws a massa, boss! whar you git dem skelps? Marse Meyers said dey wasn't an Injun in fifty miles o' hyar."

"What is dis ting, anyhow, Marse Sheriff?" he asked. "That? Why, that is a summons. Can't you read it? Here, let me take it."

"Somebody," said the negro, "done gone smuggle in a bottle o' whiskey to dat mis'able jockey, Ike, an' he am crazy drunk!" "Drunk!" cried the Colonel, shocked inexpressibly. "And the race this afternoon!" "Marse Frank said you was to come, suh, an' help sobuh him." Madge approached the Colonel anxiously. "Yes; sober him, if you have to turn him inside out!"

Quickly as they came, some one within the house was beforehand with them. The door swung open; there was the flare of a lighted candle, and a voice cried out to know what was wanted. "Wanted!" exclaimed Haward. "Ingress into my own house is wanted! Where is Juba?" One of the negroes pressed forward. "Heah I is, Marse Duke! House all ready for you, but you done sont word"

"So glad to have you back, Marse Jack, and so proud to know that you wasn't took prisoner by that pirate Semmes. We saw by the papers that he run out on the high seas las' month, and I was mighty jubus that you might run onto him. Glad to see you among us again, safe and sound, sar." "And Morris, I am very glad to see myself here," replied Jack, giving the black man's hand a hearty shake.

Fortunately, the new mistress did not see his indecision as she swept from the room, and "Marse Eddie" quickly relieved him of the embarrassing dilemma by picking up the carpet-bag and passing out of the door, closing it behind him. It was all a mistake a miserable mistake; but one of those mistakes in understanding between blind, prejudiced human beings by which hearts are broken, souls lost.

He had scarcely reached home again when the bell rang furiously and an excited voice was wafted in from the porch: "Foh de Lawd's sake! won't you-all tell Marse Bob please not to go out no moh till I kin git his clo'es round to him?" "Did you hear about the defacement of Mr. Skinner's tombstone?" asked Mr. Brown a few days after the funeral of that eminent captain of industry.

"I got your message, Aunt Mehitable. Don't you know me?" "Is dat you, Marse Gabriel? I made sho' you wan' gwineter let nuttin' stop you f'om comin'." "Don't I always come when you send for me?" "You sutney do, suh. Dat's de gospel trufe you sutney do."

The old man thrust the empty goblet under his coat and quickly returned with another, invitingly frosted. "Ain' she turr'ble sometimes, Marse Brent?" he asked in a confidential undertone. "She done tol' me yisterday dat I'se gwine git th'owed clar to de bottom of hell, an' den criss-cross all over de coals, ef I don' stop makin' juleps for Marse John an' you!