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Son commis ajouta en P.S. "Depuis ma lettre ecrite je suis mort ce matin. Mardi an soir 7eme," &c. Un petit marchand pretendoit avoir achete trois sols ce qu'il vendoit pour deux. On lui represente que ce commerce le ruinera "Ah," dit-il, "je me sauve sur la quantite." Le chevalier de Lorenzi, etant a Florence, etoit alle se promener avec trois de ses amis a quelques lieues de la ville, a pied.

In the barracks the cries of "Vive l'Empereur!" were incessant; Général Marchand was indefatigable in his efforts to still that cry, to rouse in the hearts of the soldiers a sense of loyalty to the King. "Your country and your King," he shouted from barrack-room to barrack-room. "Our country and our Emperor!" responded the soldiers with ever-growing enthusiasm.

"But Henri Marchand will be with you," said her brother, preparing to depart. "And if I delay we may not reach Boston to-night." "Oh!" gasped Jennie. "Do please find some gas, Tom. I'd be scared to death to stay out here in these woods." "One of the autos may bite her," scoffed Helen, ready to scorn her own fears when her friend was even more fearful.

Otherwise he would have rummaged the studio, and disarranged things badly before he found what he wanted." A light flashed on Jack a light of inspiration, of certainty and conviction. He remembered the visit of M. Felix Marchand, that he had commented on the painting, and had seen it restored to its place in the portfolio. Beyond doubt the mysterious Frenchman was the thief.

Circumstances had played into her hands. She could trust Helen and Jennie to do her work here at the Clair Hospital while she was absent. She found the matron and took her aside before introducing her to the newcomers. She did not explain her reason for wishing to absent herself from duty for some days, nor did the tactful Frenchwoman ask after she was told that the Countess Marchand approved.

Overlapping capital hits everybody in the end. But who says all that? Who raises the cry of 'wolf' in Manitou?" "A good many people say it now," she answered, "but I think Felix Marchand said it first. He is against you, and he is dangerous." He shrugged a shoulder. "Oh, if any fool said it, it would be the same!" he answered.

It was some distance in advance of Grenoble that Labedoyere joined, but he could not make quite sure of the garrison of that city, which was commanded by General Marchand, a man resolved to be faithful to his latest master. The shades of night had fallen when Bonaparte arrived in front of the fortress of Grenoble, where he stood for some minutes in a painful state of suspense and indecision.

The French flag had been hoisted over the old Government buildings in which they were located. I sent a letter announcing my approach on the day before my arrival at Fashoda. On the following morning, September 19, a reply was brought to me from M. Marchand by a small rowing-boat carrying the French flag.

The undisputed facts are few. Towards the end of 1896 a French expedition was despatched from the Atlantic into the heart of Africa under the command of Major Marchand. The re-occupation of Dongola was then practically complete, and the British Government were earnestly considering the desirability of a further advance.

Ingolby's eyes opened wide when he saw Marchand's ugly game. He loathed the dissolute fellow, but he realized now that his foe was a factor to be reckoned with, for Marchand had plenty of money as well as a bad nature. He saw he was in for a big fight with Manitou, and he had to think it out. So this time he went pigeon-shooting. He got his pigeons, and the slaughter did him good.