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It was upon the clamor, raised at this time by the English manufacturers, at the prospect of the privileges about to be granted to the trade of Ireland, that Tickell, whose wit was always on the watch for such opportunities, wrote the following fragment, found among the papers of Mr. Sheridan:

In order to get Vandover to sell, Geary would have to represent the damage suit as involving a larger sum of money than Geary was willing to give for the block, even a far larger sum than that which the boot and shoe manufacturers could be induced to pay for it. It seemed to be a deadlock. Geary began to see that the whole idea was out of the question.

"What's the game?" "Never mind there's a tenner in it for you if it works." "Then I'm on, Bill." "Hush my name is Henry Davis." "All right, Hank," returned Foxy, carelessly. He came forward and was introduced to the old farmer in the following fashion: "Mr. Richard Barlow of Barlow & Small, manufacturers."

Why, our legal department's kept busy all the time prosecuting unlicensed manufacturers as it is." "We've got to do something, Fred!" There was almost a whiff of hysteria in Myers' voice. "We will. We'll start, first thing tomorrow, on a series of tests just you and I, like the old times at Eisenhower High. First, we want to be sure that Evri-Flave really is responsible.

The new cottages of the manufacturers are upon the manufacturing pattern naked, and in a row. "'How is it, said I, 'that everything which is connected with manufactures presents such features of unqualified deformity? From the largest of Mammon's temples down to the poorest hovel in which his helotry are stalled, these edifices have all one character.

Ever since 1887, it had been a settled Democratic policy to put wool on the free list, in order to give American manufacturers the same advantage in the way of raw material which those of every other country enjoyed, even in quarters where a protective tariff was stiffly applied.

"My reader will naturally ask, where were their mills for grinding grain? Where their tanners for making leather? Where their smiths' shops for making and repairing their farming utensils? Who were their carpenters, tailors, cabinet-workmen, shoemakers, and weavers? The answer is, those manufacturers did not exist; nor had they any tradesmen, who were professedly such.

Upon his arrival in the island, a special branch cf the Colonial Administration was created. The first work of the new department was to found the sugar industry. It was necessary to supply the manufacturers with both capital and income. Accordingly, a sum amounting to £14,000 was placed to the credit of each manufacturer in the books of the department.

So that even the decent manufacturers felt pretty badly, not so much about the strike itself, as its, to them, inexplicable suddenness. Such men were suffering, of course, largely for the deeds of their more unscrupulous fellow-employers. One manufacturer, for instance, had gained quite a reputation for his donations to certain orphanages.

His dossier included, a long and carefully compiled list of the people he knew in London, mostly men of the rich business set, stockbrokers, manufacturers, solicitors, and the like. Against every name was set a note of the exact degree of intimacy existing between Bellward and the man in question, and any other information that might serve Bellward's impersonator in good stead.