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But no: the parlour door opened, Mam came out to the gate, and, in the broad bar of light extending from the door, I saw her pick up a clod, and aim it at the war-clouds, rolling dun. I was crouching some yards away to one side, but the clod crumbled against my ear. Then the storm of one-sided battle went raging round the back premises, as the farm dog returned to tell Egypt the story.

"What a view! I had no idea there was such scenery anywhere around here!" "Yas'm, hits about de fines' sceneries in de world! You kin see from dem heights clean down to de bridge. All dis hill used to be our-alls. I 'member hearin' how Mr. Rogers Clark done gib it to de Cunnel's gran'paw fer a lan' grant when de Injuns libed here!" "Who owns it now? Who owns the hilltop?" "I don't know, mam.

A moment later the old coloured woman was fumbling at the long unused bolts, while the girls listened breathlessly at the dining-room door. It was a lady's voice that reached them. Evidently some one who had been at the house in its palmy days, for she recognised Mam Daphne as an old servant. "I want to see all the young ladies, Daphne," she said. "Tell them that it is Mrs.

And he himself had furnished the lily-handed stranger with the information that he had been stigmatized "Em'ly" in the banter of his associates, until he had taken up arms, as it were, to repress this derision. "It takes powerful little ter put ye down, Em'ry," said Roxby, with rallying laughter. "Mam hev sent ye skedaddlin' in no time at all.

"Escaped!" he cries out, bounding down upon the floor, and coming forward to the entrance. "The paleface escaped, you say? Are you speaking truth, Mam Shebotha?" "Come to my toldo, and see for yourself." "No, that's not needed, if you say she's gone. Tell me how, when, and whither. Be quick!"

And little Lasse scrambled straight up to his mother, striking at her breast with his clenched hands, and saying, "Mam, mam!" Pelle and the perambulator had to station themselves in front of her while he was fed. When they reached home it was evening.

'Mam! Still Beatrice did not hear her. 'Mam! Mamma! Beatrice was in the scullery. 'Mamma-a! The child was getting impatient. She lifted her voice and shouted: 'Mam? Mamma! Still no answer. 'Mam-mee-e! she squealed. Siegmund could hardly contain himself. 'Why don't you go down and ask? Vera called crossly from the bedroom.

'Have you a daughter, mam, said he, what's her age, mam, said he, is she a good girl, mam, said he? but she had settled him, and that woman was prouder of him than a king would be of his crown! never mind," said Mrs. Makebelieve, and she darted fiercely up and down the room, tearing pieces off the atmosphere and throwing them behind her.

'Aren't you going to get your chocolate? he asked, as the child hesitated in the doorway. She glanced into his room, and answered: 'I've got to go to mam and have my hair done. Her awkwardness and her lack of compliance insulted him. She went downstairs without going into his room.

With her voice Mrs. Tams said, "Shall I begin to clear all these things away, mam?" But with her self-conscious eyes Mrs. Tams said to the self-conscious eyes of Rachel, "What a staggering world we live in, don't we?"