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To cap the climax, Clara put up to the windows some half curtains of unbleached cotton, bound with bright French red. It really looked nice, and Aunt Peg said: "I do hope, mam, he's clean." The days sped on quickly, and Clara felt better. Mr.

The old woman pretended to be furious, but that day Cabell Graeme carried off more than Mam' Lyddy. When Cabel and pretty Betty were married, Mam' Lyddy threw in her lot with "her lamb."

I speak only the truth, mam, as well you know." "Four!" cried the Duchess, with a gurgle of youthful laughter. "Oh, Jack! Jack! I protest, as you sit there you are growing more youthful every minute." "Gad so, mam! then I'll go before I become a mewling infant I say a puling brat, mam." "Stay a moment, Jack. I want you to explain your wishes to Mr. Beverley in regard to Cleone's future."

Uncle Jimpson, following the direction of her finger, looked surprised: "Dat ain't no sheraton, dat's a sideboard. Leastwise it wuz one 'fore I fixed it into a chicken coop. I took out de drawers and put on dem cross-pieces. Got forty de purtiest little chickens you eber seen!" "And the legs are curved and have knobs, haven't they?" "No, mam, dey ain't no more bow-legged dan most chickens.

Thank you, Adam for telling me. You can go now." "Why then Good-night! Miss Anthea, mam, the mortgage is as good as paid, there ain't no such 'ops nowhere near so good as our'n be. An' you're quite free o' care, an' 'appy 'earted, Miss Anthea?" "Quite Oh quite, Adam!"

I don't know what I will do with them, but I'm mighty sure I won't butcher them." "Don't bother him, Mahailey," Mrs. Wheeler cautioned her. "He's tired, and he has to fix some place for the live hogs." "I know he is, mam, but I could easy cut up one of them hawgs myself. I butchered my own little pig onct, in Virginia. I could save the hams, anyways, and the spare-ribs.

The 'prodigious' caverns and strange petrifactions shocked them; 'nothing can be more terrible or shocking to Nature. Mam Tor, with its 1,710 feet, proved very impressive, 'a vast high mountain reaching to the very clouds. This gloom of the Derbyshire hills and stony valleys was partially dispelled for our travellers by a certain 'fair Gloriana' they met at Buxton, with whom they had great fun, 'so much the greater, because we never expected such heavenly enjoyments in so desolate a country. If it be on susceptibilities of this nature that Mr.

Whereupon, very suddenly, Adam appeared, bare-armed from the stables, who, looking from Bellew's radiant face to Miss Anthea's shy eyes, threw back his head, vented his great laugh, and was immediately solemn again. "Miss Anthea," said he, wringing and twisting at his hat, "or I think I should say, Mrs. Belloo mam, there ain't no word for it! least-ways not as I know on, nohow.

"This very day I discovered all the old hothouse frames stored away in the carriage-house, as good as new; and Mam Daphne told me so many tales about the violets and the lettuce that used to be the boast of Marchmont every winter, that I went over to consult papa's old gardener. Sister has actually consented to let me try my hand at raising both.

As I sat at my familiar table, copying, his Majesty approached, and addressed me in these words: "Mam! you are one great difficulty. I have much pleasure and favor on you, but you are too obstinate. You are not wise. Wherefore are you so difficult? You are only a woman. It is very bad you can be so strong-headed.