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"This introduction was followed by still further condescension on the part of Lord Lovat. He looked at the veteran who had served in Lord Orkney's regiment, under Marlborough, at Ramilies and Malplaquet, with approbation.

Away to the north was Marlborough, equally eager to begin the combat, Eugene and the Dutch generals with him. In deference to the wishes of the Prince the Duke had made the fatal mistake of waiting two days, and all that time the enemy had been throwing up their formidable trenches. It was the famous field of Malplaquet, the last on which Marlborough was fated to fight a pitched battle.

Fairfax Cary, riding for the third time since the New Year from Malplaquet toward Greenwood, marked the blue March sky, the pale brown catkins by the brooks, and the white flowers of the bloodroot piercing the far-spread carpet of dead leaves. He rode rapidly, but he paused at Forrest's forge and at the mill below the ford. This also he had done before.

His Excellency should surely have been knighted for his services in the French war. Once he spied me at the window and shook his cane pleasantly, and in he walks to the room where I sat reading of the victories of Blenheim and Malplaquet, for chronicles of this sort I delighted in. "Aha, Richard," says he, taking up the book, "'tis plain whither your tastes lead you.

Malplaquet!" the girl replied in the same dull tone as before. "Upon my word," exclaimed Mrs. Malplaquet, "you might have told me that we were going to my own place..." But Strangwise shut her up. "Bellward and I will come on by tube... it is safer," he said, "hurry, hurry! We must all be under cover by eight o'clock... we have no time to lose!"

During the wars of King William and Queen Anne, the territory of the bay became the scene of armed conflict. Expeditions were sent overland from Canada against the English company. The little forts were taken and retaken, and the echoes of the European struggle that was fought at Blenheim and at Malplaquet woke the stillness of the northern woods of America.

The damage was discovered at four bells in the morning watch." "Six o'clock a.m.," interpreted Cary. "It looks now as if there might be a traitor among her own crew, which is her officers' job, not mine. I wash my hands of the Antigone, but it is very much up to me to see that nothing hurtful happens to the Malplaquet.

"If I may make a suggestion to a man of your experience it would be that none of your men here, not even your chief assistant or Trehayne, should know that you are joining the Malplaquet as a Marine. Two independent strings are in this case better than a double-jointed string." "I never tell anything to any one, least of all to Pudden-Headed Wilson.

"I agree, it is very difficult, the more so as I have reason to believe that the authorities have discovered the existence of our organization." Mrs. Malplaquet and Behrend turned to one another simultaneously. "What did I say?" said Behrend. "I told you so," said the lady. "Therefore," Mortimer resumed, "our former activities on the coast will practically be paralyzed.

Had the odd man gone off in Mortimer's car? He was thankful to note that, in the din, none save him seemed to have heard the car. By this time Mortimer had put up his pistol and Mrs. Malplaquet was speaking. Her remarks were effective and very much to the point.