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In vain he said to himself, "All her instincts, her preferences, are pure, guileless, delicate I could swear it, I, who have watched her every look and motion." Temper? yes. Caprice? yes. A hundred immaturities and rawnesses? yes! but at the root of all, the most dazzling, the most convincing maidenliness.

"Nature has done that," was the reply; "I meant what I said." In good sooth, a young maid is all the better for learning some robuster virtues than maidenliness and not to move the antimacassars. And the robuster virtues require some fresh air and freedom.

And Alda marched off, while Wilmet's strong tender arms helped Cherry into her own room, and tended her through one of those gusts, part repentant, part hysterical, which had belonged to her earlier girlhood, though the present was now enhanced by the tumult of insulted maidenliness. Formerly, Wilmet had not treated these attacks on the soft system, but now all her bracing severity was gone.

Beautiful with the truest sort of beauty, for nobility of character lent its subtle charm to the bloom of youth, the freshness of health, the innocence of a nature whose sweet maidenliness Mac felt but could not describe.

It seemed as if a man must be a part of the wonderful mystery of the moonlit night to come within her scope of vision at all. Rose chilled, when she did not mean to do so, by sheer maidenliness. Horace, gazing at her calm face, felt in some way rebuked. He had led a decent sort of life, but after all he was a man, and what right had he to even think of a creature like that?

Poor little Grisell's condition might have been considered a sufficient warning, nevertheless the two companions in her misdemeanour were condemned to a whipping, to enforce on them a lesson of maidenliness; and though the Mother of the Maids could not partake of the flagellation, she remained under her lord's and lady's grave displeasure, and probably would have to submit to a severe penance from the priest for her carelessness.

Please come to that seat over there. There is nobody in that direction. They will all go towards the fireworks now." Ellen looked at him hesitatingly. At that moment she seemed to throw out protecting antennæ of maidenliness; and, besides, there was always the memory of the cut in wages, for which she still judged him; and then there was the long neglect. "Please come," said Robert.

There was something which might have touched the springs both of mirth and of melancholy in the ancient maidenliness with which Mrs. Bread endeavored to comply with these directions.

"That the girls should have purity, and the boys courage, is what you would say, good Father?" "Nature has done that," was the reply; "I meant what I said." In good sooth, a young maid is all the better for learning some robuster virtues than maidenliness and not to move the antimacassars. And the robuster virtues require some fresh air and freedom.

There had been a time in the mother's life when she herself regarded her approaching marriage, with a man she did not love, as a horror to which her natural maidenliness a thing she could not help had to be compelled and subjected: of the true maidenliness that before which the angels make obeisance, and the lion cowers she never had had any; for that must be gained by the pure will yielding itself to the power of the highest.