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"Anne's right, mother," giggled Polly, nodding her head wisely. And so it turned out. When the Brewster party reached the station in Denver, and before Sam Brewster could seek for his two servants Sary shouted so that every one at that end of the building heard her. "Here we-all be, Mr. Brewster! Jeb an' me's be'n lookin' out fer you-all this last hour! Come right on, and see mah ring!"

Whitey asked a hundred questions meanwhile, none of which Slim answered. He seemed entirely absorbed in his own troubles, and when he was free, he carefully felt himself all over. "Dis is fine foh mah misery, fine!" he said bitterly. As far as Whitey had ever been able to learn, a "misery" was a sort of rheumatism.

Ah'll be mor'n pleased to tell it to yo'. Ah cert'nly will," said Ol' Mistah Buzzard, and Peter settled himself comfortably to listen. "Yo' see it was this way," began Ol' Mistah Buzzard. "Ah got it from mah gran'daddy, and he got it from his gran'daddy, and his gran'daddy got it from " "I know," interrupted Old Man Coyote.

He had not got far from the laboratory door when he felt a sudden jar and a rush of air, and then followed the dull boom of an explosion. Like an echo came the voice of Eradicate: "Oh, Massa Tom, I'se blowed up! It done sploded right in mah face!" Dropping what he had in his hands, Tom Swift raced back to the laboratory where he had left Eradicate to mix the chemicals.

Ah know they is, 'cos Ah cut mah finger openin' a can fo' M'lissy this mo'nin'. Yes, they's cake, too. You, Hamp, that size is fifteen!" As Friedrich approached, a laugh went up at the expense of 'Gene Frady, who had taken a bag of each size. "Watch out which one 'Gene gives his wife," cried Bud, sarcastically.

"Mah goodness!" cried Sam, as he dropped the hands of the smaller Bobbsey twins and sprang toward the man. "You's gwine to slide right down on de tracks ag'in ef you don't be keerful!" And Sam caught the queer man just in time.

Topsy rubbed this piece of paper on her black, shiny cheek as hard as she could rub it. Then she held it out to the China Cat. The paper was as white as before. "See!" cried Topsy. "Mah black won't rub off! Now can't I play tag wif yo' all?" "Oh, yes, let her; do!" begged the Talking Doll. "She's so cute!" "Of course she may play if she will not smut me," said the China Cat.

I heard that warm tone come back into her voice and she embraced me. "You said we weren't going to have a tree this year..." "Changed my mind, honey," I replied. "Besides it was too cheap to pass up." I grabbed her viola case out of her hand. "Got it from mah ol' frenn CJ," I drawled. She looked at me like I was made of goat cheese. "What?"

His daughter dropped to her feet from his chair-arm. "Mah goodness! If nobody's in the wrong, ho' awe you evah going to get the mattah straight?" "Yes, you see," Fulkerson added, "nobody can give in." "Pardon me," said the colonel, "the case is one in which all can give in." "I don't know which 'll begin," said Fulkerson. The colonel rose. "Mr. Lindau must begin, sir. We must begin by seeing Mr.

"Dere she am!" he cried, holding her up. "Dere's mah pussy! I done got her at de fire, an' de p'liceman didn't see me!" For a moment there was silence in the dingy basement tenement where Jeff lived. His brothers and sisters, all smaller than he, crowded up around him as he held the China Cat high in the air. "Ain't she jess boo'ful!" murmured one little black girl.