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"I have five silver dollars," said Benito. "They are yours. They will make the way shorter." But Ned refused absolutely to accept them. He would not take the store of people who had been so kind to him. Instead he offered the single dollar that he had left for a heavy knife like a machete. Benito brought it to him and reluctantly took the dollar.

For the purpose he carried another weapon besides the macheté. That weapon was a very pacific one it was a spade! Fortunately he had one which he had brought with him from the mountains. Now what did Guapo mean to do with the spade? The tapir is not a burrowing animal, and therefore would not require to be "dug out." We shall presently see what use was made of the spade.

L'Encuerado had once been nearly throttled by an ant-eater, and hence it would have been of no use for me to have attempted to prevent his shooting it. "Do not come near, Tata Sumichrast," cried the Indian; "these beasts die very hard, and I still bear the marks of their claws on my skin. Let me just tickle him up with the point of my machete."

Loge, who had extended himself in a vigorous lunge, was struck by the weight of the young anarchist's body at the crook of the knees, and came down on the deck at full length, his machete flying from his hand as he fell. Cleggett was upon the criminal in an instant, his hand at the outlaw's throat. They grappled and rolled upon the deck.

"Your Excellency, when the Yankee war-ships have come, we cannot resist them. Our batteries are old and poor, we have little ammunition. Our arms are out of repair. The machete and lasso are no match for their well-supplied men-of-war. I shall locate myself so far in the interior that the accursed Gringos cannot reach me with their ships or their boats.

Sebastian was yelling, though his voice was hoarse with pain. The lash drew blood with every blow. Meanwhile, he wrenched and tugged at his bonds with the fury of a maniac. "Pablo! Your machete, quick!" panted the slave-owner. "God's blood! I'll make an end of this black fiend, once for all."

The present tendency is toward more frequent planting, but not annual, as offering a better chance for stronger cane with a larger sugar content. The whole process of cultivation and field treatment is hard, heavy work, most of it very hard work. Probably the hardest and heaviest is the cutting. This is done with a long, heavy-bladed knife, the machete.

Fortunately, the Indians are not a bloodthirsty people; and, though every man carries a knife or machete, or if he can get nothing better a bit of hoop-iron tempered, sharpened, and fixed into a handle, yet nothing more serious than cuffs and scratches generally ensues.

There is fight in you, but I hope we shall have no fighting to do just now. I shall try to find a safe road home." "A fellow could cut down bushes with this thing," said Ned. "That's exactly what our rancheros use them for," replied the señor. "They will do almost anything with a machete.

Wrapping the chain in his fingers, the slave leaped at Esteban and struck, once. The sound of the blow was sickening, for the whole bony structure of Esteban Varona's head gave way. There was a horrified cry from the other white men. Don Pablo Peza ran forward, shouting. He swung his machete, but Sebastian met him before the blow could descend, and they went down together upon the hard stones.