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They diminish and level down the country and constitute, in some manner, in the body politic, a lymph which infects it and renders it flabby. These honest folk call men of talent immoral or rogues.

From the cells where they are formed, the waste materials pass into the lymph and from the lymph they find their way into the blood. They are removed from the blood by glands and then passed to the exterior of the body. Through these changes large quantities of materials are produced that can no longer take any part in the vital processes.

It is well known that vomits, and other drugs, which induce sickness or nausea; at the same time that they evacuate the stomach, produce a great absorption of the lymph accumulated in the cellular membrane.

The supra-hyoid gland lies a little farther back, immediately above the hyoid bone, and receives lymph from the tongue. The sterno-mastoid glands glandulæ concatinatæ form a chain along the posterior edge of the sterno-mastoid muscle, some of them lying beneath the muscle. They are commonly enlarged in secondary syphilis.

When the deep lymph vessels alone are involved, the superficial red lines are absent, but the limb becomes greatly swollen and pits on pressure. In cases of extensive lymphangitis, especially when there are repeated attacks, the vessels are obliterated by the formation of new connective tissue and a persistent solid œdema results, culminating in one form of elephantiasis. Treatment.

This air being dry, pure, heavy, and elastic, must be agreeable to the constitution of those who labour under disorders arising from weak nerves, obstructed perspiration, relaxed fibres, a viscidity of lymph, and a languid circulation. In other respects, it encourages the scurvy, the atmosphere being undoubtedly impregnated with sea-salt.

Through assimilation the protoplasm is built up or renewed. Excretion is the throwing off of such waste materials as have been formed in the cells. These are passed into the lymph and thence to the surface of the body. Absorption, assimilation, excretion, and also reproduction are performed by all classes of cells. They are, on this account, referred to as the general work of cells.

*Origin of the Lymph.*—The chief source of the lymph is the plasma of the blood. As before described, the walls of the capillaries consist of a single layer of flat cells placed edge to edge.

The lymphatic vessels conduct both the colourless lymph and the white chyle into the venous part of the circulation. The lymphatic glands act as producers of new blood-cells, and with them is associated the spleen. The centre of movement for the circulation of the fluids is the heart, a strong muscular sac, which contracts regularly and is equipped with valves like a pump.