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He had continued with success his father's policy of extending Lydian dominion to the Aegean at the expense of the Ionian Greeks; and, master of Ephesus, Colophon and Smyrna, as well as predominant partner in the Milesian sphere, he secured to Lydia the control and fruition of Anatolian trade, perhaps the most various and profitable in the world at that time.

The term Tyrrhenians denotes sometimes the Lydian Torrhebi as is the case in the earliest sources, such as the Homeric hymns; sometimes under the form Tyrrheno-Pelasgians or simply that of Tyrrhenians, the Pelasgian nation; sometimes, in fine, the Italian Etruscans, although the latter never came into lasting contact with the Pelasgians or Torrhebians, or were at all connected with them by common descent.

Mathematical skill of Thales. His theorems. Ingenious plan of Thales for crossing the Halys. Advance of Cyrus. Preparations for battle. Great battle at Pteria. Undecisive result. Croesus returns to Sardis. Cyrus follows him. Confusion and alarm at Sardis. The Lydian cavalry. Nature of cavalry. Manner of receiving a cavalry charge. The camels. Cyrus opposes them to the cavalry. The battle fought.

These then, I said, must be banished; even to women who have a character to maintain they are of no use, and much less to men. Certainly. In the next place, drunkenness and softness and indolence are utterly unbecoming the character of our guardians. Utterly unbecoming. And which are the soft or drinking harmonies? The Ionian, he replied, and the Lydian; they are termed 'relaxed.

Though the names given by Herodotus to their earliest kings are Mesopotamian and may be reminiscent of some political connection with the Far East at a remote epoch perhaps that of the foreign relations of Ur, which seem to have extended to Cappadocia all the later royal and other Lydian names recorded are distinctly Anatolian.

One that on his feet Would with the Lydian cars compete. He simply shows himself all along a half-lettered, childish writer; in the words of Diphilus, of wit obese, O'erlarded with Sicilian grease.

I searched the bushes, the soldiers were gone, and I could hear the sound of their voices and weapons on their way back to Sais." The guests listened with eager attention to this tale. At its close a mingled feeling of relief and anxiety was felt by all; relief that their favorite companion had escaped so fearful a danger, anxiety for the brave young Lydian who had risked his life to save him.

They peremptorily refused the offer of the colonists, but, after their departure, warily sent a vessel of fifty oars to watch the proceedings of Cyrus, and finally deputed Latrines, a Spartan of distinction, to inform the monarch of the Persian, Median, and Lydian empires, that any injury to the Grecian cities would be resented by the Spartans.

Up to the date of our present survey, however, and for half a century yet to come, these conquests of the Lydian kings in Ionia and Caria amounted to little more than forays for plunder and the levy of blackmail, like the earlier Mesopotamian razzias. They might result in the taking and sacking of a town here and there, but not in the holding of it.

As rumor is a goddess who is very apt to exaggerate and to make a crocodile out of a lizard, it happened that news reached the Egyptian captain on guard at the market, that some newly-arrived Lydian warriors had been scattering gold broadcast among the flower-girls.