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By listening to this story on particular lunations, one becometh blessed with long life and great good fortune. And freed from every anxiety one ceaseth to have any fear of diseases."

VI. Influence of the sun and moon on diseases. The chemical stimulus of the blood. Menstruation obeys the lunations. Queries. VII. Quiesence of large glands a cause of fever. Swelling of the præcordia. VIII. Other causes of quiescence, as hunger, bad air, fear, anxiety. Symptoms of the cold fit. 2. Of the hot fit. 3. Second cold fit why. 4. Inflammation introduced, or delirium, or stupor.

In astronomy Thales predicted a solar eclipse which was probably that of the 28th May 585 B. C. Now the Babylonians, as the result of observations continued through centuries, had discovered the period of 223 lunations after which eclipses recur. It is most likely therefore that Thales had heard of this period, and that his prediction was based upon it.

In this country they divide the year by lunations, and in every moon they keep certain days as holy, in some five, or four, or three days, in which they kill no beast or bird, and abstain from animal food. The people of this country marry twenty or thirty wives, or as many as they are able to maintain, but the first wife always has the precedence over the others.

They succeeded in determining its mean daily movements, and when they had established a period of two hundred and twenty-three lunations, they contrived to foretell its eclipses. Eclipses of the sun presented greater difficulties, and the Chaldæans were content with noting their occurrence.

Tassoni was a monk, a wit and a genius as well as a poet." "I will grant his poetical ability but not his learning, for he ridiculed the system of Copernicus, and said that if his theories were followed astronomers would not be able to calculate lunations or eclipses." "Where does he make that ridiculous remark?" "In his academical discourses." "I have not read them, but I will get them."

Many of the first periods of epileptic fits obey the monthly lunation with some degree of accuracy; others recur only at the most powerful lunations before the vernal equinox, and after the autumnal one; but when the constitution has gained a habit of relieving disagreeable sensations by this kind of exertion, the fit recurs from any slight cause.

Now it is probable, that those fevers, whose crisis or terminations are influenced by lunations, may begin at one or other of the above times, namely at the changes or quadratures; though sufficient observations have not been made to ascertain this circumstance.

The Egyptians, it is said, in very remote ages, divided the year by lunations, as the Mayas, who divided their civil year into eighteen months, of twenty days, that they called U moon to which they added five supplementary days, that they considered unlucky.

As far as I have been able to observe, the periods of inflammatory diseases observe the solar day; as the gout and rheumatism have their greatest quiescence about noon and midnight, and their exacerbations some hours after; as they have more frequently their immediate cause from cold air, inanition, or fatigue, than from the effects of lunations: whilst the cold fits of hysteric patients, and those in nervous fevers, more frequently occur twice a day, later by near half an hour each time, according to the lunar day; whilst some fits of intermittents, which are undisturbed by medicines, return at regular solar periods, and others at lunar ones; which may, probably, be owing to the difference of the periods of those external circumstances of cold, inanition, or lunation, which immediately caused them.