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I'll take a pattern of that lunar moth you pinned on the curtain yesterday." Miss Hollis smiled in spite of herself. "You have some very ingenious ideas and some very pretty thoughts, Mrs. Bascom, do you know it?" "It's the first time I ever heard tell of it," said Diadema cheerfully. "Lovey was the pretty-spoken, pretty-appearing one; I was always plain and practical.

These things she made him drink and eat, and she spoke to the old man while he did so, larding the discussion of necessary details with expressions of hope for the dead. "Be strong, an' faace it, uncle. God knaws best. I lay the poor lovey was took from gert evil to come. You knaw so well as me. You can guess wheer her'd be now if livin'. She'm in a better home than that.

"I bet if I ever get a good sharp knife, I could stick it right in the pain place in Uncle Pompey's heel so it would bleed all the sore away," he said with keen enjoyment, as I read to him about the lancing of carbuncles. "Oh, Lovey, I almost get the diseases while Phyllis reads about them," said Roxanne with a shudder. "Do you like to hear about such awful things?"

It will be something to look back on. Oh, Meg lovey, do let's!" "But, Helen, my pet," said Margaret, "we can't without getting Henry's leave. Of course, he would give it, but you said yourself that you couldn't visit at Ducie Street now, and this is equally intimate." "Ducie Street is his house. This is ours. Our furniture, our sort of people coming to the door.

"We don't know nothin' 'bout play-actin'." "We kin learn all right," said Billy Wiggs. "I bid to be the feller that acts on the trapeze." The other boys approving of the plan, it was agreed that Jake should call on the costumer at his earliest convenience. One night a week later Lovey Mary was getting supper when she heard an imperative rap on the door. It was Jake Schultz.

"Well, well," she said at last, very gently, "you and Charles Stuart would be too young to be thinking of such things for a wee while, lovey. But, indeed, it's Mother MacAllister prays every day that you may both be led to serve the dear Master no matter where He places you. Eh, eh, yes indeed, my lassie."

Lovey Mary, greatly abashed, faced the radiant parents, the two portly doctors, and the servants in the background. "I learned on Tommy," she said in a low voice. "He swallered a penny once that we was going to buy candy with. I didn't have another, so I had to shake it out." During the laugh that followed, she and Asia escaped, but not before Mr.

Mrs. Reddin' is a fallen angel, if there ever was one on this earth. She sends all sorts of clothes to Asia, an' I warm 'em over an' boil 'em down till they're her size. "Asia Minor!" she called to a girl who was coming in the door, "this here is Mary Lovey Mary she calls herself, Miss Hazy's boarder. Have you got a dress you could give her?"

"I'd 'a' almost rather you wouldn't 'a' came than to have went away ag'in." "But listen!" cried Lovey Mary, unable to keep her news another minute. "I'm a-going on a railroad trip with Mrs. Redding, and she's going to take Tommy, too, and we are going to see Niag'ra and a lake and a buffalo!" "Ain't that the grandest thing fer her to go and do!" exclaimed Mrs. Wiggs. "I told you she was a' angel!"

"If I'd 'a' thought about it I'd 'a' made you some before we started. It don't take no time." Asia held out her hands, which were covered with warm red mitts. "I make 'em outen Billy's old socks after the feet's wore off." "I don't see how you know how to do so many things!" said Lovey Mary, admiringly. "'T ain't nothin'," disclaimed Asia, modestly. "It's jes the way maw brought us up.