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"Dear Dulce, yes; that will be sweet," says Portia, who is very silent and very pale and very beautiful to-day. "Dicky, go and tell some one to bring tea here directly," says Dulce; "and say they are to bring peaches for Portia, because she loves them, and say anything else you like for yourself."

We may pray for the Queen, her ministers, her parliament, because God's love and care is over them; for all orders and ranks of men, whether laymen or clergymen, high or low, in God's holy church; for all who are afflicted and desolate; for all who are wandering in ignorance, and mistakes, and sin; ay, for all mankind, for God loves them all, the Son of God has bought them all with His most precious blood.

I forbid you to set foot in my house, where your presence would be offensive to Marcoline, whom you must not see any more." "Yes, I will; I will return to Venice, if I have to hang for it." "What good would that be? She won't have you." "She loves me." "She beats you." "She beats me because she loves me. She will be as gentle as a lamb when she sees me so well dressed.

It prays throughout for blessings which are "ours." Not my isolated life, but the common life I share is that for which I ask the help of God. Even when a man enters into his inner chamber and shuts the door, and is alone, he still says: "Our Father." He takes up into his solitary prayer the lives which for the moment are bound up in his. He thinks of those he loves and says: "Our Father."

You must rely upon my judgment. Polly must put him out of her head." "But what am I to tell her? You can't make a woman like our Pauline put a man out of her life when she loves him unless you give her a reason that satisfies her. And if you don't give ME a reason that satisfies me how can I give HER a reason that will satisfy her?" "I'll talk to her," said the colonel, after a long pause.

You know, and he knows, that you'd be happier, and have better health, if you came to live with us. If he really loves you, why doesn't he let you come? He could see you often enough. But I know the reason; he's afraid you'd get out of his control; he has his own projects. You needn't mind my saying this before Tom Larcher; he read your father like a book the first time he ever met him."

"Whatever faults: love has no second thoughts." "Suppose he were to show himself regardless of her best welfare caring for her only as an adjunct to his display?" "If she loved him, I only say if she loved him, she would be proud to follow in his triumph. His glory is hers." "Whether it be real or not?" "If he counts it so. A woman who loves gives herself to her husband to be moulded by him."

May it ever remain secure within sight of the hills, within sight of the sea, steeped in the Tudor myth, certain in its English heart, that twice two is not four but anything one likes to make it, nor ever hear ribald voices calling upon it to decide what after all it stands for in the world, denying it any longer the consolation it loves best of finding in the conclusion what is not in the premises, or, as the vulgar might put it, of having its cake and eating it too.

Herr Groben was warmly received by the officers when they heard who he was, and soon had out of him the whole history of the loves of Lieutenant Higson and the fair Ivanowna.

We must change ourselves from a race that admires jerk and snap for their own sakes, and looks down upon low voices and quiet ways as dull, to one that, on the contrary, has calm for its ideal, and for their own sakes loves harmony, dignity, and ease. So we go back to the psychology of imitation again.