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But what's to be done?" "I suppose," said Lovel, "his faith in this fellow is entirely restored by this deception, which, unquestionably, he had arranged beforehand." "What! the siller? Ay, ay trust him for that they that hide ken best where to find. He wants to wile him out o' his last guinea, and then escape to his ain country, the land-louper.

Lady Anna had hardly heard of Frederic Lovel before her father's death; but, since that, had been brought up to regard the young Lord as her natural enemy.

"Then poor Lord Lovel will absolutely not have enough to starve upon," said the baronet's wife to the baronet, as soon as the carriage door had been shut upon them. What were they to do with her? The dinner party had taken place on a Wednesday, the day after the Earl's departure; and on the Thursday aunt Julia wrote to her nephew thus: Yoxham Rectory, 3rd September.

To Bessie Lovel, therefore, this sister of her husband's, in all the glory of her fresh young beauty and sumptuous apparel, seemed a creature of another sphere, something to be gazed upon almost in fear and trembling. "I beg your parding!" she faltered, rubbing her eyes.

Though it is worth noticing that Mary chose a name with the same initial letter as her own, it was probably taken from Dante. There are several references in the story to the cantos of the Purgatorio in which Mathilda appears. Mathilda's father is never named, nor is Mathilda's surname given. The name of the poet went through several changes: Welford, Lovel, Herbert, and finally Woodville.

Lovel, I dare say, is an honester name than Lovat!" But Talbot was regarding the traveller with hard eyes. "You called him a thrush, Nick, but I have a notion he is more of a knavish jackdaw. I have seen this gentleman before. You were with Ormonde?" "I had once the honour to serve his Grace," said Lovel, still feverishly trying to devise a watertight tail. "Ah, I remember now.

That blusterous rainy August afternoon had slipped away so I quickly. "It is a repetition of my experience during that night journey to Holborough," Mr. Fairfax said, smiling. "You have a knack of charming away the hours, Miss Lovel."

Sophia looked as if she would have liked to say that there was no room, but her father's face quite flushed with pleasure. "I shall be only too happy," he said, "if Miss Lovel will trust herself to our care." "And perhaps you'll explain toiler father what has happened, and how sorry we are to lose her, and so on." "Certainly, my dear Armstrong. I shall make a point of seeing Mr.

"Genuine Celtic," again asseverated the knight. "Gothic! Gothic! I'll go to death upon it!" counter-asseverated the squire. "Why, gentlemen," sad Lovel, "I conceive that is a dispute which may be easily settled by philologists, if there are any remains of the language." "There is but one word," said the Baronet, "but, in spite of Mr. Oldbuck's pertinacity, it is decisive of the question."

Lovel appeared by no means displeased by the rapid growth of this acquaintance, from which he had so obstinately recoiled in the past. He took care, however, not to be demonstrative of his satisfaction, and allowed Mr. Granger to feel that at the best he was admitted to Mill Cottage on sufferance, under protest as it were, and as a concession to his own wishes. Yet Mr.