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"Lor', miss! that is queer," said the girl in a tone of surprise, "that you should engage yourself and not know who to." "It didn't really make much difference what the name was it was the situation that I wanted," Mona remarked, smiling.

"Just because I stopped there a few days last summer, she thinks she must run here every week; and there's no way of escaping her. Do shut that blind; it lets in so much light. There, would you think I'd been crying?" "Lor, no," returned the stupid servant, "Lor, no; I should sooner think your eyes and face were swelled with pisen." "The Lord help me," exclaimed Mrs.

"But, Katie, they have eyes. Come with me to the hotel. You will find your old master there." "Who? My ole " began Katie, opening her mouth, which remained open as if incapable of closing again, much less of uttering another syllable. "Yes, Judge Merlin is here." "My ole Well, Lor'!" "Come, Katie." "My ole If ebber I heard de like! What de name o' sense he doin' here?

"It'll be very bad for business, I'm afraid!..." "Bad. Goo' Lor', man, it's ruin ... absolute ruin! I'll be up the pole, that's where I'll be. And I was thinking of getting married, too. Just thinking of it, you know ... nothing settled or anything ... and now ... damn it, what they want to go and have a war for? We don't want one!"

'Why, Bill! says she. 'Why, Peggy! says I; and we bussed each other like winky. 'Shall us come together agin? says she. 'Why, no, says I; 'I has a wife wots a good 'un, and gets her bread by setting up as a widder with seven small childern. By the by, Peg, what's a come of your brat? for as you says, sir, Peg had a child put out to her to nurse. Lor', how she cuffed it!

But at last he died raving, and they found as he'd left all his property, Warrens and all, to a Lunnon Charity, and that's how the Warrens come to be Charity Land; though, as for the stables, Mr. Lammeter never uses 'em they're out o' all charicter lor bless you! if you was to set the doors a-banging in 'em, it 'ud sound like thunder half o'er the parish."

Two in family, and see very little company. Five servants kept. No man. No followers." 'Oh Lor! tittered the client. 'THAT won't do. Read another, young man, will you? "Mrs Wrymug," said Tom, "Pleasant Place, Finsbury. Wages, twelve guineas. No tea, no sugar. Serious family " 'Ah! you needn't mind reading that, interrupted the client. "Three serious footmen," said Tom, impressively.

It seemed we were not to be long unmolested for, roused by a shuffling step, I glanced hastily up and beheld an old woman hobbling towards us bent upon a stick, a miserably ragged, furtive, hag-like creature who nodded and leered upon us as she came. "Lor', Ann!" she cried in queer, piping tones. "Lorramity, Ann so you've fell in love at last, 'ave ye, dearie? And why not, my pretty, why not?

To which she answered with a careless air, "Somebody's Luggage." Regarding her with a eye not free from severity, I says, "Whose Luggage?" Evading my eye, she replied, "Lor! How should I know!" Being, it may be right to mention, a female of some pertness, though acquainted with her business. A Head Waiter must be either Head or Tail. He must be at one extremity or the other of the social scale.

Now, the lor is in France, that if a genlmn gives these in England, and a French genlmn gits them in any way, he can pursew the Englishman who has drawn them, even though he should be in France. Master did not know this fact laboring under a very common mistak, that, when onst out of England, he might wissle at all the debts he left behind him.