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Holmes slammed the door in the foolish creature's face and went tearing up the stairs, four at a bound, for, clasping the balusters with both her little hands in a grasp that seemed loosening every second, Nellie Bayard was sinking almost senseless to the floor.

The Scotch farmer says, "Anything to get the hay in" and by loosening a bit the strict bands of social custom, the hay is harvested. In the hay-harvest the law of natural selection holds; partners are often arranged for weeks in advance; and trysts continue year after year.

When he comes shooting off his bazoo to a man that could swaller him whole without loosening his collar, it's impidence; that's what it is. "'Well, as a favour to me? I says. "'Well, if you put it in that way I don't want to be small about it. "So Arizona goes up to Jones and sticks out his hand. 'There's my hand, Jones, he says. 'I'm mighty sorry you told me to shut up my mouth, says he.

Our description of the place began with the swimming pool in the cellar and ended with the ballroom in the third story. It took John Markley a long time to realise that the town was done with him, for there was no uprising, no demonstration, just a gradual loosening of his hold upon the community.

In some locomotives a frame carrying a number of fire bars is made so that it may be dropped suddenly by loosening a catch; but it is found that any such mechanism can rarely be long kept in working order, as the molten clinker by running down between the frame and the boiler will generally glue the frame into its place.

At last, however, we found one that weighed some two tons, which happened to lie so that, by loosening the earth before and under it with our alpenstocks, we were able to dislodge it. Slowly, reluctantly, as if conscious of the awful race it was about to take, the huge mass trembled, slid, poised, and, with a crunch and a groan, went over.

Leaning her head against the sill, and loosening her nightgown at the throat, she half-closed her eyes and looked off into the troubled night, watching the play of the heat-lightning upon the massing clouds between the pointed tops of the poplars. Yes, she knew, she knew well enough, of what absurdities this spell was woven; she mocked, even while she winced.

For a strange interest centres about those whose loins are girded for long journeys; and I have never outgrown the boyish awe with which I witnessed the loosening of the ropes that held aerial travellers to the earth. I have seen some scores of persons die, "By many a death-bed I have been And many a sinner's parting seen,"

It is true we probably stand in the same relation to great nature; and if the Lord in his mercy does not approach us personally, we cannot succeed even in loosening the thongs of his shoes, if it is indeed permitted to talk of him in such a worldly manner."

As he did so a small object rolled from some fold or crevice of the doublet, where it had been safely lodged till displaced by the loosening of the belt, or the removing of the banderole of his master's hunting horn. Le Blesois turned at the tinkling sound, and would have stopped to lift it up after the manner of a careful servitor.