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"Art thou an astronomer, that thou lookest so closely at yonder shining world?" demanded Il Maledetto, with the superiority that the mariner afloat is wont successfully to assume over the unhappy wight of a landsman, who is very liable to admit his own impotency on the novel and dangerous element: "the astrologer himself would not study it more deeply."

The moment she appeared her father and mother, who had given her over for lost, clasped her in their arms and wept for joy as they embraced her. "My child," said her father, "how happy thou lookest, not as if thou hadst been down in the dark earth!" Hulda kissed her parents and smiled upon them; then she turned to look for the fairy, but she was gone.

"Alas! that one is born in blight, Victim of perpetual slight When thou lookest in his face Thy heart saith, 'Brother, go thy ways None shall ask thee what thou doest, Or care a rush for what thou knowest, Or listen when thou repliest, Or remember where thou liest, Or how thy supper is sodden; And another is born To make the sun forgotten." Poor fellow!

"Fear not, Raymond; I have had harder tasks than this to perform ere now. Be it thy part to shake off this wasting sickness. I will seek out thy Joan, and will bring her to thy side. But let her not find thee in such sorry plight. Thou lookest yet rather a corpse than a man. Thou wouldst fright her by thy wan looks an she came to thee now."

If we have but grace enough to keep us groaning after God, it is not all the world that can destroy us. Perhaps thou mayest be mistaken. The grace thou prayest for may in a great measure be come unto thee. Thou hast been desiring of God, thou sayest, more grace, but hast it not. But how, if while thou lookest for it to come to thee at one door, it come to thee at another?

"Well, now thou seest me," she said, speaking Yiddish for his behoof, "thou lookest not outwardly anxious to know how it goes with me." "How goes it with you?" "As well as an old woman has a right to expect. The Most High is good!" Malka was in her most amiable mood, to emphasize to outsiders the injustice of her kin in quarrelling with her.

And with all this on thy side fortune, father, and all thou lookest like a distracted lover in a ballad, more like to pitch thyself into the Tay than to woo a lass that may be had for the asking, if you can but choose the lucky minute." "Ay, but that lucky minute, father?

Then Hallblithe gazed at him marvelling, and studied to see wherein lay the gibe against himself; and the Grandfather beheld him, and laughed as well as he might, and said: "Son, son; didst thou not wish me youth?" "Yea," said Hallblithe, "but what ails thee to laugh so? What is it I have said or done?" "Nought, nought," said the elder, laughing still more, "only thou lookest so mazed.

There he stood, great and beautiful to see, and she looked on him trembling and amazed. "Is it indeed thou, Eric, or is it yet my dream?" she said. "I am no dream, surely," said Eric; "but why lookest thou thus on me, Gudruda?" She rose slowly. "Methought," she said, "methought that thou wast dead at the hand of Skallagrim." And with a great cry she fell into his arms and lay there sobbing.

"I care not for gentleness in a horse," declared Walter Skinner. "I warrant thee I can ride the beast whether he be gentle or not." "Thou lookest a bold rider," observed the stranger, craftily. "He that doeth the king's business hath need to be a bold rider," returned Walter Skinner, with a look which was intended to convey the information that he could unfold mysteries were he so disposed.