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It is the ambition of every Indian Rajah to possess one, for then he is billed as 'The Lord of the Sacred White Elephant, a title which seems to fill a long-felt want in the heart of an Oriental potentate.

The Swiss may have a tenderness for his wretched wife which thou canst not understand. But he is not therefore faithless to his lord." Taking the glass and throwing on her wet cloak, Marie again ran up to the wall. But Le Rossignol sat down cross-legged by the fire, wise and brooding. "If I could see that Swiss hung," she observed, "it would scratch in my soul a long-felt itch."

But soon, without effort on her part, this embarrassment fell away and she in turn began to blaze. The flame grew as Phillips breathed upon it. She realized wildly that her heart had always hungered for words like these, and that, coming from his lips, they carried an altogether new and wondrous meaning; that they filled some long-felt, aching want of which she had been ignorant until this moment.

The men of mixed blood jabbered in French, Cree, and Chipewyan chiefly, but when they wanted to swear, they felt the inadequacy of these mellifluous or lisping tongues, and fell back on virile Saxon, whose tang, projectivity, and wealth of vile epithet evidently supplied a long-felt want in the Great Lone Land of the Dog and Canoe.

When I was the marrying age I was off in the hills; since then I've been too busy and too critical. So you see, Esther Kincaid Tisdale, you are filling a long-felt want." He kissed her with a smack and she hugged his arm in ecstasy. "I'm going to try and make up for what we both have lost. No harm can come to you so long as I have a dollar and the brains to make more."

"I don't suppose you intend to go out to the gas country?" "No," said Miss Vance, amused. "Not that I shouldn't like to go." "What a daring spirit! You ought to be on the staff of 'Every Other Week," said Beaton. "The staff-Every Other Week? What is it?" "The missing link; the long-felt want of a tie between the Arts and the Dollars."

When a Canadian officer was asked if he had organized some trenches that his battalion had taken his reply, "How can you organize pea soup?" filled a long-felt want in expression to characterize the nature of trench-making in that kind of terrain.

Tolstoy gave practical effect to this principle, and to this long-felt desire to be of use to the poor of the country, by editing and publishing, aided by his friend Chertkov,* modern literature has awakened so universal a sense of sympathy and admiration, perhaps because none has been so entirely a labour of love. * In Russia and out of it Mr. Chertkov has been the subject of violent attack.

It was to cope with this habit that Dreever Castle, in the county of Shropshire, came into existence. It met a long-felt want. In time of trouble, it became a haven of refuge. From all sides, people poured into it, emerging cautiously when the marauders had disappeared.

The judicious legislation of Congress, securing the receivability of these notes for loans and internal duties and making them a legal tender for other debts, has made them an universal currency, and has satisfied, partially at least, and for the time, the long-felt want of an uniform circulating medium, saving thereby to the people immense sums in discounts and exchanges.