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John Alden also had built a cottage between the captain's house and the governor's; and Eaton with his wife Lois was to share a house with Peter Browne, who had manfully assumed the charge of Widow Martha Ford and her three children.

Each was of great price. And there were thousands of them. They were as cheap as periwinkles. George thought: "This is Paris." He said aloud: "Seems to be a fine lot of new clothes knocking about." Evidently for Lois his tone was too impressed, not sufficiently casual.

They took a hansom at Victoria. Across the great square, whose leaves were just yellowing, George saw the huge block of flats, and in one story all the blinds were down. Lois marched first into the lift, masterfully, as though she inhabited the block. She asked no one's permission. Characteristically she had an order from the solicitors, and the keys of the flat.

And just as in the great arena beyond the walls, so here Pride was the staff of the well-born, Prejudice of the weak. Amid this trembling company, in the second of the stables, the gloom shrouding her from suspicious observation, none noticing so humble a creature, Alban found Lois and made himself known to her.

It's a snug sum, so I understand, and I suppose it'll make ye put on mighty fine airs, so's ye won't speak to common folks any more." Lois now became much interested in the words of this garrulous old woman, and she was anxious to know more, and where she had obtained her information. "How did you hear that?" she asked.

Even when Lois shook down the patched skirt of her flannel frock straight, and settled the heaps of corn and tomatoes about her, preparatory for a start, Margret kept her hand on the side of the cart, and walked slowly by it down the road. Once, looking at the girl, she thought with a half smile how oddly clean she was.

It was a low, cheerful little room that he came into, stooping his tall head: a tea-kettle humming and singing on the wood-fire, that lighted up the coarse carpet and the gray walls, but spent its warmest heat on the low settee where Lois lay sewing, and singing to herself.

"I'm goin' to tell her how I've been without a decent dress, an' how I've been luggin' my own things out of this house, an' now I've got to lug 'em all back again," she whispered defiantly. "Mother, you keep still," said Flora. Mrs. Green went across the room and put her arm around Lois, standing by her mother.

In the meantime, loads of love. I won't be sorry to get back. How about you? "Affectionately, "LOIS." There was no need to consult the calendar. The subdued voices, and the worried frowns, to be seen in any of the corridors or classrooms of Seddon Hall proclaimed it the first of February, and examination week.

Pastor Nolan bowed, and left the house; but in a moment he returned. Half opening the door, but without entering, he said: 'I come back to ask, if perchance I may call this evening to inquire how young Mistress Hickson finds herself? But Faith did not hear this; she was sobbing louder than ever. 'Why did you send him away, Lois?