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"You heard my plans.... Riggs, this girl-stealin' can't be done twice. Was you drinkin' or locoed or what?" "Beasley, he was giving you the double-cross," cut in Bo Rayner's cool voice. The rancher stared speechlessly at her, then at Anson, then at Wilson, and last at Riggs, when his brown visage shaded dark with rush of purple blood.

This was welcome news, for we had made no count yet, and feared some of them, in their locoed condition, might have passed the water during the night. Our misfortune was an ill wind by which Straw profited, for he had fully expected to keep on by the old route, but with our disaster staring him in the face, a similar experience was to be avoided.

"Yuh've made many things plain to me that I was too locoed to see before. But tell me straight, is that true about her'n Ken?" She nodded mutely, not daring to meet his eyes. He looked long into the starlit sky, and Abbie, emboldened after a time by his seeming composure, rose and bade him good night. He reached out for the cigarette materials laid convenient to his hand.

But the word locoed has come to have a wider application than to the poor shepherds or the horses and cattle that have eaten the loco. Any one who acts queerly, talks strangely, is visionary without being actually a lunatic, who is what would be called elsewhere a "crank," is said to be locoed.

His long suit is playin' the ponies he can beat the races; an' where he falls down is faro-bank, which never fails to freeze to all the coin he changes in. That's the palin' off his fence; faro-bank. He never does triumph at it onct. An' still the device has him locoed; he can't let it alone.

"Aw, you're just as locoed as any of us." Whereupon they fell into a great argument about the number of horses; and though Pan had little part in it he gradually conceived an idea that he had underestimated them. "Say, fellows," he said, breaking up the discussion, "if Hardman's gang raises a row in Marco we'll know tomorrow." "Shore, but I tell you they won't," returned Blinky doggedly.

I tell 'e, women 'ave to 'ave a master, and no man better tackle that job until 'e can be sure 'e can make 'er walk the chalk-line." "But I don't want her to walk any line; I just want her to speak to me." "Dang me if I don't believe you are locoed. Why, she's got 'e throwed hand 'og-tied now. What d'e want to make it any worse for?"

I only had three, an' he comes up to say this one was his; Bo, very innocent oh, she's a cute one! she says, 'Why, Mister Turner is it really yours? An' she looked so full of joy thet when he says to me, 'Excoose us, friend Carmichael, I sat there like a locoed jackass an' let them go. But I wasn't mad at thet. He was a better dancer than me an' I wanted her to have a good time.

We tried to figure out a way, in this trading, to make back our loss on the menagerie we had collected at Ammons. Those bare store shelves worried us. Then, one morning, the old, blind, locoed mare turned up with a fine colt by her side. We were getting even.

He had gone by without a glance, and yet McBain was afraid of him. A couple of card players came out of the Alamo and stopped to talk with Hassayamp. "Well, bless my soul," exclaimed the watchful Hassayamp as he suddenly brought his chair down with a bump, "if hyer don't come that locoed scoundrel, Rimrock! Say, that boy's crazy, don't you know he is jest look at that big sack of rocks!"