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At the Emma Goldman social he was ornamented with a new straw hat, which had a very high crown and narrow brim with little black ribbons for the side. Also, an enormous tie, the ends of which fluttered gaily and coquettishly in the wind. His curling black locks nearly reached his shoulders, and he has vowed never again to cut his hair, as a protest against the conventions of society.

Nor this, nor that, nor any such small cause But only, for this worthy knight durst prove To lose his crown rather than fail his love. And fain those Æol's youth there would their stay Have made; but, forced by nature still to fly, First did with puffing kiss those locks display.

In some one of the many windows that looked into the court another dragged at his chestnut locks and execrated gods and men because of their hardness of heart. So the night wore on to its noon. Masanath was becoming drowsy in spite of her determination to keep a sleepless vigil until dawn, when she was aroused by a commotion in the vicinity of the palace.

And severe were the ascetic penances they performed there. Exhausted with hunger and thirst, with matted locks on their heads and attired in barks of trees, they acquired sufficient ascetic merit at length. Besmearing themselves with dirt from head to foot, living upon air alone, standing on their toes, they threw pieces of the flesh of their bodies into the fire.

Naturally the girl was the bolder, having less in herself to fear. "That is what I call being simple," she went on briskly. "If you think we can be that in New York, let us live there. I could be simple there, but not with you, sir! That terrible East Side would be shaking its gory locks at us. We should feel that we did it or you would!

Stood he before me there, By you, in you, as like as you're unlike, Straight as you're bowed, young as you are old, And many years nearer than him to Death, The falling brilliancy of whose white sword Your ancient locks so silverly reflect, I would deny, outswear, and overreach, And pass him with contempt, as I do you. Jove! How we waste the stars: set on, my friends.

Mackenzie gave you the dog, Helen, I have not all that faith in his invincibility." Helen smiled her appreciation of that sentence, though she did not like her stepmother's looks. "I would rather trust Jim's teeth than our bolts and locks, and I told him to take care of you." "That was thoughtful of you!" Mildred said.

A breeze came in through the open doorway and stirred his thin iron-gray locks, as he sat there in his arm chair. He was unconscious of everything even of the presence of strangers. His eyes were fixed and glazed. Not a sound of any kind, not even a moan, passed his lips; and it was only after feeling his pulse that I was able to pronounce with certainty that he was alive.

The only other person of importance in the town was a worthy predicant, who evidently had not had his hair cut since the commencement of the War, and who had great difficulty in keeping his little black wide-awake on his head. He seemed very proud of his abundant locks. There were also a few families in the place belonging to the Red Cross staff and in charge of the local hospitals.

The waning moon was rising and sent its faint light down through the branches of the trees, and with his white locks and severe features, illuminated from below by the lantern, the jeweler appeared to be the fateful spirit of the wood planning some evil.