United States or Senegal ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"It is the soil or mud which is brought to its location by the action of water; and here it is brought down by the mighty river which spreads itself out into a delta where we are," replied the doctor good-naturedly, and without a smile at the ignorance of the worthy lady; for though her education had been greatly neglected, she was esteemed and respected by all on board, for in sickness she had been the nurse of the patients.

"But don't you see, old thing, you're still up in the air? Your theory doesn't touch ground anywhere." "Stanley my poor deluded boy! when I got to the railroad I wired that assayer right off. Our samples never reached El Paso. So I wrote out my fake location and filed it. See what followed that filing over yonder? I come this way on purpose, expecting to see those fires, Stanley.

They sought all the best points of view from which they could look out over the great city. One afternoon they were all together on the wide piazza in front of San Pietro in Montorio, which commands a very wide outlook. Here, after having studied the location of chief points of interest, they gave themselves up to the delight of a superb sunset view.

The water began to go down rapidly under their united efforts; though a little kept coming in over the exposed side of the boat, as it rubbed against the wall of the farm-house. Seeing this Max managed to help the other boys shift the location of their valued prize, and presently it was dangling alongside the three floating doors, no longer of any moment in their eyes.

If the disease be located anywhere in the trunk, neck or head, treat the affected part with P. P., placing N. P. on some adjacent part of the spine, and usually at a point somewhat lower down than the disease. For acute inflammatory rheumatism, treat once a day. The length of time for each treatment must depend on the location and extent of the affected part or parts.

Then, when they had breakfasted, the plates, knives and forks, and some other necessaries, were also put in; Ready laid the fowls on the top of all, and set off by himself for their new location. After he was gone, the rest of the party prepared for their journey through the cocoa-nut grove. William led the way, with the three dogs close to his heels, Mr.

I discovered that it was blowing out of the east, therefore I headed a quarter into it, to overcome the drift, and looked for landmarks. I had not long to search. Wisps of mist obstructed the view, and within ten minutes a bank of solid cloud cut it off completely. I had only a vague notion of my location with reference to my course, but I could not persuade myself to come down just then.

San Francisco is known all the world over for its unique location, rivaled only by that of Marseilles, and we have now the responsibility to use this natural asset, for which many envy us. The Exposition will start an avalanche of improvements along artistic lines which will be given increasing momentum by the development of long periods of prosperity.

If the location chosen does not furnish perfect drainage, naturally, artificial drainage must be resorted to.

And the kind of people that come to settle in a country like this don't stick in sight of the cars. They're like me need lots of elbow room. There'll be hardy souls looking for a location up where we are before very long. You'll see." They passed other crews of men, surveyors with transits, chainmen, stake drivers, ax gangs widening the path through the timber.