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Not a master or mate sails under the English flag but whose record, even to forecastle fights, is tabulated at Lloyds for the inspection of prospective employers. Not a ship is cast away on any inhabitable coast of the world, during underwriters' business hours, but what that mighty sing-song cry announces the event at Lloyds within thirty minutes.

Also, I would get "Ally Bazan," Strokher and Hardenberg into trouble. Suppose on that certain summer's day, you had asked of Lloyds' agency where the Glarus was, and what was her destination and cargo.

This is the great house; it is the home of the LLOYDS! Some idea of its splendor has already been given and, it is here that we shall find that height of luxury which is the opposite of that depth of poverty and physical wretchedness that we have just now been contemplating.

As he landed he met Lloyds' agent, and told him what a valuable freight he had just shipped. That gentleman merely remarked that both ships were underwritten in Sydney by the owners; but the freight was insured in London, no doubt. There was still something about this business Seaton did not quite like; perhaps it was in the haste of the shipments, or in the manner of the mate.

Of such bills $600,000,000 were promptly discounted. I hear that two banks, the London City & Midland with its $525,000,000 of deposits, and Lloyds' Bank, both refused to rediscount. They believed the investments in commercial paper they had made were perfectly good, and that they were as well able as the Bank to wait for payment until one year after the war if necessary.

There are fresh subjects to tackle some I have never seen. Athens beckons to me. The columns of the Parthenon loom up! If there are half a dozen ways of getting into Papendrecht there is only one of reaching Athens that is, if you start from Venice. Trieste first, either by rail or boat, and then aboard one of the Austrian Lloyds, and so on down the Adriatic to Patras.

"Leave your dog, Mr Ralph, till we come back," he observed as we were about leaving the room; so patting Solon on the head, and making him lie down on the rug, I saw that he clearly understood that he was to stay where he was. Mr Ward said very little during our walk to the Exchange. He went up into Lloyds' room, leaving me waiting on the pavement at the foot of the stairs. He was not long absent.

I will write my statement immediately after dinner." The statement that Dick Leslie that evening wrote ran as follows: "The finder of this document is earnestly requested to communicate its contents to Lloyds, the British Admiralty, the leading London newspapers, and Sir Ernest Trevor, K.C.M.G., Judge of Her Majesty's Supreme Court, Bombay.

"You know it is the best thing for me to do, mother?" she said, and although she put it in the form of a question, the statement was commanding in its assertiveness. "When are you goin' to work?" asked Fanny. "Next Monday," replied Ellen. When Ellen had gone to the factory to apply for work neither of the Lloyds were in the office, only a girl at the desk, whom she knew slightly.

Some of them were making grimaces at me, others were throwing me kisses; some were fanning themselves, and others bowing. They were very tall, all these Marie Lloyds, too tall for the ceiling, and they walked over the heads of all the people and came towards me, stifling me, crushing me, so that I could not breathe. My face, it seems, was whiter than my dress.