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Withdraw Mr. Egerton, and I 'll withdraw my second man before it comes to the poll; and so we shall halve the borough slick between us. That's the way to do business, eh, my Lord?" "Randal Leslie! Oh, you wish to bring in Mr. Leslie? But he stands with Egerton, not against him."

"No doubt, Mr. Slavin, if you move that hand again I 'll fill your system with lead, you experience some very natural curiosity regarding the object of my unanticipated, yet I hope no less welcome, visit." Slavin's only reply was a curse, his bloodshot eyes roaming the room furtively. "I suspected as much," Hampton went on, coolly.

Calc'late they had to fight it, but there's fightin' and fightin'. ... Seems like this Foote bunch set out to do the worst that could be done and they done it." "Wonder when it 'll peter out the strike?" "Back's busted now. Nothin's holding it up but that man Dulac. There's a man for you!

"When I turn my back I 'll carry him with me," Anthony answered. But in his soul he said: "What 's the good of telling her that that will only be to defer the evil moment? Of course he has marked the tree. He will come back to it at his leisure." "I beg your pardon," said Susanna. "That will merely be to put the evil off. The cat certainly knows the tree.

"'As good's'll ever come back from wher' yer've been, or 'll pray fer the like of yer, I reckon. Judge not, I tell yer, that yer be not yerself judged. "I tried to smile at the old man. "'Good-day to yer, he grumbled, and walked back in the direction from which he had come. I watched until he was lost in the thickness." Julia looked at Hastings in astonishment.

Well, I feel about that the way Joe Dimick felt when he heard the doctor had told Elviry Pepper she must stop singin' in the choir or lose her voice altogether. 'Whichever happens 'll be an improvement, says Cap'n Joe; and whatever Heman does 'll help the Whittaker place. What did you decide at the meetin'?" "Nothin'. We can't decide yet.

I haven't felt I wanted to quarrel with him, and I think better of myself for that. And yet it means a good deal to me more than you think, I dare say. 'You'll soon forget it, Mr. Ackroyd, Lydia said, in a clear, steady voice. 'Well, you 'll see if I do. I'm one of the unlucky fellows that can never show what they feel. It all comes out in the wrong way. It doesn't matter much now.

You must have comparative theology as you have comparative anatomy. What would you make of a cat's foolish little good-for-nothing collar-bone, if you did not know how the same bone means a good deal in other creatures, in yourself, for instance, as you 'll find out if you break it? You can't know too much of your race and its beliefs, if you want to know anything about your Maker.

We're goin' to have an extra ration of soap this mornin', and you fellows want to stir around lively and fix yerselves as if it was Sunday and ye was goin' to meetin'. The fust thing after breakfast all hands 'll turn out and p'leece ther camp." "What in the world does he mean by p'leecin' the camp?"

"Well, how did you come out to-dayf" she asked her on her return. "Right well. Dey did n't stick me quite so fur back, and when I drap de dollar in dey wuz several on 'em lookin', and when de chutch was over dey come runnin' arter me, an', tell me ef I come next time dey 'll have a good seat for me. I 'm gwine agin, but fust thing dey know I 'm gwine to fool 'em.