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But I still call this my Wishing-rock and I come here and stand on it and wish only there aren't so awfully many things to wish for that you don't just ask Little-Dad for big things, you know." "Miss Jerry, you were wishing when I arrived!" She colored. "I was.

"What fun," cried Isobel, sitting up against her pillows. A few weeks before Isobel would have scorned such a "babyish" suggestion from anyone. "Where shall we go?" "I've always wanted to go to Venice. We got as far as Naples and then 'Liza Sloane's grandson got scarlet fever and Little-Dad went down and stayed with him. I'd love to live in a palace and go everywhere in little boats."

"And yet," Jerry went on, "if I had all the gold in the world right in my hand I don't believe I could make myself go so far away from Sweetheart and Little-Dad and the dogs and and Sunnyside!" "Oh," Gyp quickly settled such an obstacle. "If you had all the gold in the world you could take 'em with you." At that moment they were startled by a loud thud in the hall beneath them.

She laughed, showing two rows of strong, white teeth. "Well, the way Little-Dad travels it's hours away so that Silverheels has to rest between going and coming, and Mr.

Little-Dad said I was discontented and Sweetheart that's mother cried and hugged me as though she was frightened. But some day I've just got to go along that road." For some reason that was beyond even the analytical power of his trained mind, John Westley was deeply stirred. Little Jerry, child of the woods he felt as her mother must have felt!

"I know it he told Garrett Lee and Garrett told Peggy. So there " "You've interrupted my wish and I don't know where I left off," Jerry rebuked. "Oh, I wish most of all that I can always, no matter where I am, come back to Sunnyside and Sweetheart and Little-Dad and my garden! There, I've wished everything!"

And Little-Dad had not changed a bit, nor the house, nor the garden, nor Bigboy not a thing, Jerry had found on an excited round.

He said that it was for my health that he came away with me, but I knew that it was to get away from the world that he hated and to hide his failure! Your Little-Dad took us in. He knew at once that your father was a very sick man and he brought him to his cabin here on Kettle. But even here your father suffered, and after you were born he feared for you.

And when I'm very grown-up and can't go to school any more we'll travel, won't we? You and me and Little-Dad won't we, mamsey?" "Yes, dear." But the mother's eyes smiled in the darkness she was thinking of the empty nest. Jerry laid her cheek against her mother's arm. She drew a long breath. "The world's so wonderful, isn't it?

"You can keep Silverheels for just fun and work in the automobile and then we can go over to Cobble and to Wayside and " Little-Dad had not liked the thought at first. Somehow, to bring a chugging, smelling, snorting automobile up to Sunnyside to stay seemed an insult to the peace and beauty and simplicity of his little tucked-away home. But when Jerry pleaded and even Mrs.