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The white ant sometimes attacks the stems, and is best checked by washing the roots with limewater, yellow arsenic, or tobacco-water. Numerous Cerealia, and the varieties of cotton, sugar-cane, etc. all thrive extremely well; so do many of our English vegetables.

Slipping the cover slightly to one side, insert a burning splinter and observe that the flame is extinguished. This proves the absence of sufficient oxygen to support combustion. Pour in a little limewater and shake to mix with the air. The change of the limewater to a milky white color proves the presence of carbon dioxide.

After filling the bottle one third full of limewater, heat the tube containing the charcoal until it begins to glow. What are the proofs that the oxygen, in passing through the tube, unites with the carbon, forms carbon dioxide, and liberates energy? Compare the changes which the oxygen undergoes while passing through the tube with the changes which it undergoes in passing through the body.

Something lacking in the soil affected the feed, and some of the calves were born without hair; their bones were soft. It baffled my father and every man along that rim of the desert, but not mother. She said doctors prescribed lime for rickety human babies, and she made limewater and mixed it with the feed. It was just the thing. She was a small woman, but plucky from start to finish.

"A quantity of sunn, viz., the fibres of Crotolaria juncea, was steeped repeatedly in limewater, and then exposed to the air by spreading it on the grass; it was also repeatedly pounded by the dhenki or pedal, and when sufficiently reduced by this process to make a pulp, it was mixed in a gumla with water, so as to make it of the consistence of thick soup.