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'Send her out of the island, says he, 'and she'll be coming home another woman. Wasn't for going, though. Crying and shouting she wouldn't be laving the lil one. So I had to put out a bit of authority. Of course, a husband's got the right to do that, Philip, eh? Well, I'll be taking the road again. Doing a fine night, isn't it? Make's a man unwilling to go to bed."

Later on, mounted men came round both ends of the lake, and began to search on the further side, but by this time the fugitive was well on toward where he had left his horse and arms, and his dangers lay in front, and not behind. Long before all this, Lady Markham had arrived at the Manor, with Lil weeping silently at her side.

After that, and a more undisguised look my way, the old man talked about me, still calling me the "lil misthress" and saying they were putting a power of gold on my fingers, but he would be burning candles to the miracles of God to see the colour of it in my cheeks too.

"I haven't yet. Not to them-all. I had to come here to him first. I reckon you don't know about Burke and me?" Lynda shook her head. She had thought she knew but she had wandered sadly. "When Marg laid my trouble to Burke he just took it! First I couldn't understand. But he took my trouble and me! He took lil' Ann and me out of Miss Lois Ann's cabin into peace and safety.

They looked long into each other's eyes. Then solemnly, slowly, Nella-Rose relinquished her hold of the child. "I give you lil' Ann." So might she have spoken if, in religious fervour, she had been resigning her child to death. "I I give you lil' Ann." Gently she kissed the sleeping face and laid her burden in the aching, strained arms that had still to learn their tender lesson of bearing.

"What's wrong?" Merrivale came from behind the counter. "I done burn my chest protector. I'll freeze without the papers." Then Bill explained the fire building but, recalling Lois Ann, withheld any further information. "Here, you fool," Merrivale said not unkindly, "take all the papers you want. And take this old coat, too. And look, lad, in yo' wandering have yo' seen Greyson's lil' gal?"

"No personal remarks, please, Lil Artha," said Landy; "I know my nose isn't as prominent as yours, and some others in the crowd, but it answers my purpose all right, and I'm not ashamed of it." "Well, now we know where we're at," remarked Ted, with a satisfied air, as though it might be a maxim with him to always start right.

"We can reach Rosemead before that storm breaks, can we not?" Among other amiable qualities, Regulus numbered a happy willingness to please, even at the expense of truth. "Sho-ly, 'lil Missy," he said with emphasis. "And it will not be much of a squall, besides, will it, Regulus?" "No, 'lil Missy, not much ob squall," answered the obliging Regulus. "There is much wind in it," said Landless.

The haste to disclaim was feverish, and the look directed by Celeste at Alexina was sullen, even while the old woman's strong, resistless brown hand was pushing her mistress back onto the pillows. "Got to res' lil' while, p'tite; got to min' Celeste an' lay back an' res' now."

"As plain as the nose on your face, Landy!" admitted Lil Artha, with a trifle of disappointment in his voice, for he had calculated on discovering the tracks himself, and for one who was next door to a greenhorn to do it humiliated the tall scout.