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The missionary nearly lost his life in consequence, the Neutrals conceiving the idea that he would infect their country with a pestilence. Southward and eastward of Lake Erie dwelt a kindred people, the Eries, or Nation of the Cat. Little besides their existence is known of them. "Nous les appellons la Nation Chat, a cause qu'il y a dans leur pais vne quantite prodigieuse de Chats sauuages." Ibid.

Interrogations faites a Pierre et Jean Baptiste Talon a leur arrivee de la Veracrux, MS. This paper, which differs in some of its details from the preceding, was sent by D'Iberville, the founder of Louisiana, to the Abbe Cavelier. Here ends the wild and mournful story of the explorers of the Mississippi.

"La fausse honte qu'out les femmes de laisser voir leur grossesse et tout ce qui a rapport

When they are at their last romp, Dr. Shrapnel speaks to the parents. 'Can he obtain a hearing? Rosamund asked. 'He has not so very large a crowd to address, madam, and he is much beloved by those that come. 'He speaks to them of politics on those occasions? 'Adouci a leur intention. It is not a political speech, but Dr.

Bientot apres on le voit paroitre lui meme a leur tête; les fuyards se ralliaient derrierè ses colonnes leur courage est revenuè la chance tourne les Français attaquent a leur tour avec la meme furie qu'ils avoient etê attaquè et brulent d'effacer la honte de leur defaite du matin." Desaix fell in this battle, and the whole glory of it was given to Napoleon.

The veteran leaders, who still posed as "moderates," ceased to lead or, swept away by the forces they had helped to raise, were compelled to quicken their pace like the Communist leader in Paris who rushed after his men exclaiming: Je suis leur chef, il faut bien que je les suive.

More people stand and walk, than sit genteelly. Awkward, ill-bred people, being ashamed, commonly sit bolt upright and stiff; others, too negligent and easy, 'se vautrent dans leur fauteuil', which is ungraceful and ill-bred, unless where the familiarity is extreme; but a man of fashion makes himself easy, and appears so by leaning gracefully instead of lolling supinely; and by varying those easy attitudes instead of that stiff immobility of a bashful booby.

"Umbriel, a l'instant, vieil gnome rechigne, Va d'une aile pesante et d'un air renfrogne Chercher en murmurant la caverne profonde, Ou loin des doux raions que repand l'oeil du monde La Deesse aux Vapeurs a choisi son sejour, Les Tristes Aquilons y sifflent a l'entour, Et le souffle mal sain de leur aride haleine Y porte aux environs la fievre et la migraine.

A distinguished shining character is irresistible with them; they crowd to, nay, they even quarrel for the danger in hopes of the triumph. 'Mais c'est la leur affaire'. Divide your time between useful occupations and elegant pleasures. The morning seems to belong to study, business, or serious conversations with men of learning and figure; not that I exclude an occasional hour at a toilette.

«J'ai parcouru fort souvent le pied de ces montagnes: leur état est presque partout tel que je viens d'avoir l'honneur de la descrire