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I gave him a suck of brandy-and-water, and we were mighty good friends all the way. Our course was south to-day, striking directly at The Mountains. We encamped about midnight at the Wady Lethel, the name of which is derived from the tree Lethel ‮لذل‬, frequent in the Sahara.

You travel further on The Sahara, and find Afoub Aaly, where there is sand, called El-Hal. And after it, you find Wady Lethel, in which are lote-trees and the lethel, a large tree like an olive-tree. And you travel to El-Jibel, where are houses and a Kesar for troops. And near El-Gibel, in all the countries you find olive-trees and fig-trees, as far as the other mountains westward.

Zouweeah. The Sahara. Beer-el-Hamra. Squabbling at the Wells. The strength of Caravan, and character of Escort. Shouwabeeah. Difficulty of keeping the Caravan together. Camels cropping herbage en route. The Kailah or Siesta. Arab Troops seize the Water of the Merchants. Wady Lethel. Irregular March of the Caravan. Aâeeat. Descent into Wells. Learn the value of Water.

Our slave caravan stretched across the plain or bed of the Wady of Ghat eastwards, to the black range of Wareerat, and turning round abruptly north by some sand hills, we encamped after three hours. It is from this place the Ghat townspeople fetch their wood. The fire-wood is gathered from the lethel tree.

They all talk in good grammatical Negro language, and can occasionally aid our researches in Nigritian tongues. Parrots are brought from as far as Noufee. The wood in the valley we just left, is the Lethel. Its leaves are powdered over with a white saline substance, indeed, why not salt itself?

Coasting the Range of Wareerat or Taseely. Soudan Species of Sheep. Soudan Parrot. The Lethel Tree. The Tholh, or Gum-Arabic Tree. Falling of Rain in The Desert. Oasis of Serdalas. My Companions of Travel. Weather Hot and Sultry. The Slaves bear up well. The Ship of The Desert. Extremes of Cold and Heat. Mausoleum of Sidi Bou Salah. Serdalas, a neglected Oasis. The Sybil of The Sahara.

The poor things on leaving Ghat, as is their wont on encountering The Desert, got up a song in choruses, to give an impetus to their feelings in starting. For myself, The Desert has become my most familiar friend. I felt happy in again spreading my pallet upon its naked bosom, by a shady bush of the Lethel.

From Tripoli to Janzour 3 hours. " Janzour to Zouweeah 9 " " Zouweeah to Beer-el-Hamra 2 " " Beer-el-Hamra to Shouwabeeah 5 " " Shouwabeeah to Wady Lethel 14 " " Wady Lethel to Aâyat 3 " " Aâyat to Yefran 3 " " Yefran to Rujban 18 " " Rujban to Seenawan 4 days. The quickest time, in more general terms, in which the journey can be performed, excluding of course all stoppages, is: