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After the victory at Camden, when he was flushed with the sanguine hope not only of overrunning North Carolina, but of invading Virginia, General Leslie was detached from New York to the southward with a considerable body of troops, and, according to orders, landed in Virginia, expecting to meet the southern army in that State.

No," curtly answered Blake. "Needn't try to fool me. Mr. Leslie turned the bridge over to the Coville Company months ago." "Fool you?" sneered Ashton. "You're too easy! The Coville Company is only another name for Papa Leslie." "Look here," warned Blake. "You're apt to learn soon that some lies aren't healthy." "It's the truth," replied Ashton, giving back a little, but insistent on the facts.

She had never tried to be anything else. She had established herself at Leslie Manor because she wished to acquire health and wealth, and she had achieved her objects to a wonderful degree. But she had made no friends. She did not wish to make friends among the Southerners.

"She knows the cage is open," was her way of dismissing the subject. "I am glad you came over. I have a letter from Leslie. It came this morning. You may be interested in what he has to say of Hetty and of yourself." She smiled faintly. "He is determined that you shall not be without a friend while he is alive." "Les isn't such a rotter, Sara. He's spoiled, but he is hardly to be blamed for that."

Just tell them, if they ask." But Leslie and the cadet walked away with her; slowly, across the grounds, so that she thought they were going back from the gate; but they kept on up over the hill. "Was it very shocking?" asked Ruth, troubled in her mind. "I could not help it; but I was frightened to death the next minute."

None of the things that had always seemed entirely convincing in forming her own opinions seemed adequate to the occasion. Leslie turned suddenly, and saw her stricken face. "What's the matter, Cloudy? Is something wrong? Aren't you well? Don't you like me to go to a dance? Why, Cloudy! Do you really object?"

The following day saw Leslie once again aboard the brig, where he busied himself in getting his spars in on deck, converting them into sheers, fitting them, and by means of tackles and stays rearing them into position and securing them. It was a long and heavy job, occupying him the entire day, and sending him back to the island at night completely fagged out.

The latter had taken a circuitous course, and, after placing a considerable distance between himself and his enemies, took the back track and reached the gorge where Leslie had fallen, hoping to find him there; but being disappointed, followed his trail to the river where he saw that he had embarked in the boat. Kent knew that his own trail would be followed.

"You are always making plans to get even with someone you don't like, Leslie Cairns, and dragging us into them. You never win. You always get the worst of it. I don't intend to go into any more such schemes with you. My father said if ever I was expelled from college he would make me take a position in his office. Think of that!" Dulcie's voice rose to a scream. "He did?

But Harry was not sorry when his mother gave the order for everybody to go home and get to bed, so as to have a good wash it being Saturday night and a good sound sleep before Sunday; for Mrs. Leslie was a good mother, and loved to teach her children to observe the Lord's day rightly, and to enjoy it in a way worthy of its sacred rest. The Leslies all liked going with their parents to church.