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As to the first point, it is probable that any torpor, or even lentor in the blood, such as scarcely expresses itself sensibly through the pulse, renders that fluid less able to resist the first actions of disease.

As when one school of physicians sought for the universal principle of all disease inlentor and morbid viscidity of the blood,” and imputing most bodily derangements to mechanical obstructions, thought to cure them by mechanical remedies; while another, the chemical school, “acknowledged no source of disease but the presence of some hostile acid or alkali, or some deranged condition in the chemical composition of the fluid or solid parts,” and conceived, therefore, thatall remedies must act by producing chemical changes in the body.” We find Tournefort busily engaged in testing every vegetable juice, in order to discover in it some traces of an acid or alkaline ingredient, which might confer upon it medicinal activity.

It is reckoned a medicine of great efficacy in some cachectic and chlorotic cases; in weakness of the stomach occasioned by a load of viscid phlegm, and in such disorders in general as proceed from a cold sluggish indisposition of the solids and lentor of the fluids. I have experienced great benefit from it in rheumatic pains, particularly those of the fixed kind, and which were seated deep.

Quippe sub immensis terrae penetralibus altae Hiscunt in vastum tenebrae: magnarum ibi princeps labitur undarum Oceanus, quo patre liquoris Omnigeni latices et mollis lentor aquai Profluxere, nova nantes aestate superne Aerii rores nebularum, et liquidus imber.

Again only the shrilling of the crickets, the shu-shu of feet, the gentle clapping; and the wavering hovering measure proceeds in silence, with mesmeric lentor with a strange grace, which, by its very navetU, seems old as the encircling hills.