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I rather think you'll see me again, Lee. So-long now, but I'll see you again!" She moved off in the darkness, laughing mirthlessly, and with muttered imprecations LeGrand Blossom turned in the opposite direction, passing within a few feet of the hidden detective. "Blackmail, or is it a division of the spoils?" mused Colonel Ashley. "I've got to find out which. Mr.

"Well! now listen! if you will venture out on the limb as far as you think safe, and not let go the beetle, I'll make you a present of a silver dollar as soon as you get down." "I'm gwine, Massa Will deed I is," replied the negro very promptly "most out to the eend now." "Out to the end!" here fairly screamed Legrand, "do you say you are out to the end of that limb?"

I shall not pretend to describe the feelings with which I gazed. Amazement was, of course, predominant. Legrand appeared exhausted with excitement, and spoke very few words. Jupiter's countenance wore, for some minutes, as deadly a pallor as it is possible, in the nature of things, for any negro's visage to assume. He seemed stupefied -thunder-stricken.

"Miss Carwell will be herself very soon. She has only fainted. Her father is dead. "Dead? Are you sure?" asked LeGrand Blossom, and his manner seemed a trifle more naturally excited. "Dr. Baird says so. You'd better go to him. He may want to ask some questions, and you were more closely associated with Carwell than any of the rest of us." "Very well, I'll look after the body," said the secretary.

This done, and the dog having been unmuzzled, we turned in profound silence towards home. We had taken, perhaps, a dozen steps in this direction, when, with a loud oath, Legrand strode up to Jupiter, and seized him by the collar. The astonished negro opened his eyes and mouth to the fullest extent, let fall the spades, and fell upon his knees.

At one o'clock General Legrand and his division were crossing the bridge constructed for the infantry, while the Emperor sat on the opposite bank, and some of the cannon becoming entangled had for an instant delayed the march. The Emperor rushed on the bridge, put his hand to the work, and assisted in separating the pieces.

"Now, Jup," cried Legrand, evidently much excited, "I want you to work your way out upon that limb as far as you can. If you see anything strange, let me know." By this time what little doubt I might have entertained of my poor friend's insanity was put finally at rest. I had no alternative but to conclude him stricken with lunacy, and I became seriously anxious about getting him home.

There are so many angles to the case now. I must find out who this woman is." And when she spoke in louder tones than usual, drawing from LeGrand Blossom an impatient "Hush!" the colonel had his answer. "Morocco Kate again! What's her part now?" The detective was near enough now to hear some of the talk. "Did you bring it?" asked the woman eagerly. "Hush! can't you?" snapped LeGrand Blossom.

Here Legrand, having reheated the parchment, submitted it to my inspection, The following characters were rudely traced, in a red tint between the death's-head and the goat: "But," said I, returning him the slip, "I am as much in the dark as ever. Were all the jewels of Golconda awaiting me on my solution of this enigma, I am quite sure that I should be unable to earn them."

Beware, these odious tales have not been spread without a reason. Now that your eyes are open, beware of him." "Yes," replied Madame Legrand, "my brother-in-law warned me three years ago.