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Dot's right. I know so leedle about der papering business alretty yet dot I could write a big book on vot I don't know," confessed Mr. Switzer. "All ready now tremble and shake!" ordered the manager.

"You haf not considair how my Yiddish shall make kindle every heart, strike tears from every eye, as Moses did from de rock." "I have. I know. But what am I to do?" "Jus dis leedle favor; and I vill be gradeful to you all mine life." "You know I would if I could." Pinchas's finger was laid more insistently on his nose. "Just dis vonce.

She rallied all her strength, and pausing a moment to shift the weight of her baby to the other arm, once more set off through the night. A little while later she found on the edge of the sidewalk the peeling of a banana. It had been trodden upon and it was muddy, but joyfully she caught it up. "Hilda," she cried, "wake oop, leedle girl. See, loog den, dere's somedings to eat. Look den, hey?

"Gome, den, leedle girl," she said, rising and taking Hilda's hand. "Gome, den, we go vind subber, hey?" She issued from the park and took a cross street, directly away from the locality where she had begged the previous days. She had had no success there of late. She would try some other quarter of the town.

Dees time here der vater come again till I vish it vas last year vonce! Unt now all I safe is my vife, unt my son his vife, unt my leedle grandchilderns! Else everding is gone! All everyding! Der house gone unt unt der morgage gone, too!"

"I no forgeef; I not remember at all," said Herr Bauricke, waving his long fingers in the air. "And I go to-morrow to help you, leedle girl," and he strode down the corridor. Polly and Jasper rushed off, they scarcely knew how, to Grandpapa, to tell him the wonderful news, to find him in a truly dreadful state of mind. When they had told their story, he was as much worse as could well be imagined.

He and Peter, who was a vehement Radical, had been cronies for many years, and had each an indulgent contempt for the other's understanding, tempered by a sincere affection for one another they would have found it difficult to account for. "What tink you is de matter wid de leedle wench?" demanded Dr. Smith, Peter having opened the case. Peter glanced round the room. The kitchen door was closed.

"He haf no belly, only a leedle on his backbone!" he cried. "Begob, thin, he has the backbone," said Terence. "I have a piece," said I, and drew forth that which Tom had given me. They brought a quarter of a saddle to Colonel Clark, but he smiled at them kindly and told them to divide it amongst the weak. He looked at me as I sat with my feet crossed on the stump.

"It ees von chance out of a dthousand!" he says, amazed. "I nefer found von before but it ees so leedle!" "Never mind!" I say with enthusiasm. "We've been pearl-fishing and we've found a pearl!" Mrs.

The mother sprang forward with an exclamation in her native tongue, and, catching her baby in her arms, began manipulating him in the most original fashion. Standing upright in the middle of the wigwam, she inverted him, and, holding him by the heels, worked him up and down, as though he were the dasher of a chum. "If she don't do dot a leedle harder his head vill bounce off," remarked Otto.