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Halleck expressed the sentiment of the administration and of the country when he wrote to Grant on December 13th, "As General Meade's operations have failed to produce any results, Lee may send by rail reinforcements to Longstreet without our knowing it.

"In such event, I am authorized to do whatever the result of the proposed interview may render necessary or advisable. Should you accede to this proposition, I would suggest that, if agreeable to you, we meet at the place selected by Generals Ord and Longstreet, for the interview, at 11 A.M., on Monday next. "Very respectfully your obedient servant, "R. E. LEE, General."

"Squire," said Martin to me "I'm thinkin' we'd better go ashore and put up our tents; there's a mighty big storm over the hill, and he'll be down this way before many minutes." And we rowed to a high point at a small distance, covered with spruce and fir trees, and put up our tents on the lee side of it, so as to be sheltered from the wind as well as the rain.

"All this I have heard," said Wildrake, "nor can I deny that I believe in it." "Well then, go to. When the young man Charles Stewart fled from the field of Worcester, and was by sharp chase and pursuit compelled to separate himself from his followers, I know by sure intelligence that this Albert Lee was one of the last who remained with him, if not indeed the very last."

"Send them to Rachel A., Sarah C., and Emma B." Lee then repeated the names of his three wives carefully, saying to the artist, who had approached him: "Please forward them you will do this?" Mr. Fennemore responded affirmatively. Lee then seemed to pose himself involuntarily, and the picture was taken.

I had asked these questions, by the advice of Dick, and, from Mrs. Hawker's description tallying so well with his, I had little doubt that another of the escaped gang was living actually in her service, alone too, in the hut with Lee.

Give my kind regards to all at 'Bremo. Custis is well and went to the boat to meet you this morning. The boat stops one and one-quarter miles from town. Remain aboard until we come. "Most affectionately yours, R. E. Lee. "P.S. Since writing the foregoing I have received your letter of the 28th. I shall expect you Saturday morning. "Mrs. M. C. Lee."

"I infer that Lee and Jackson will not attack Sedgwick at Fredericksburg. They will go for Hooker. They will strike where the enemy is strongest. It's their way, isn't it?" "Right, of course, Harry. We'll be marching against Hooker long before the dawn." Dalton's prediction came true earlier than he had expected.

Meanwhile, you marry the young lady, and die in your bed, an honest gentleman, at eighty-four, instead of being walked out some cold morning to a gallows at twenty-two." "Needs must where the devil drives," replied George. "You shall have the money this day week. And now let me go, for I am nearly froze dead." "That's the talk," said Lee; "I knew you would be reasonable.

Greene with the desire to do a day's work and kill a forest-fire in its beginning. Lee with the passionate hope of finding Judith. Lee reached his journey's end first. As he came pantingly up the last climb he discharged his rifle again and again, to tell her that he was coming, to put hope into her.