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Meanwhile, the police were having great difficulty with the steelbolt-studded door into the room. Still, it was yielding a bit. "Hurry!" shouted Clutching Hand to LeCroix. Kennedy had voluntarily placed himself in front of me in the ell.

Apparently it was a combination of powerful electric arcs, the rays of which were shot through a funnel-like arrangement into a converter or, rather, a sort of concentration apparatus from which the dread power could be released through a tube-like affair at one end. It was his infra-red heat wave, F-ray, engine. "I told you it would work!" cried LeCroix.

One of them was the famous, or rather the infamous, Professor LeCroix, with whom in a disguise as a doctor we had already had some experience when he stole from the Hillside Sanitarium the twilight sleep drugs.

There's LeCroix, ten miles to the west. If you can wait until to-morrow " "I must follow this afternoon now," interrupted Philip. "They will have left a clean trail behind, and I can overtake them some time to-morrow. Will you have the team made ready for me a light sledge, it you've got it." By three o'clock he was on the trail again.

The infra-red ray which has been developed by LeCroix from the experiments of the Italian scientist Ulivi causes, when concentrated by an apparatus perfected by LeCroix, an instantaneous combustion of nonreflecting surfaces. It is particularly deadly in its effect on the brain centers. It can be diverted, it is said however, by a shield composed of platinum backed by asbestos.

"Lecroix feeds him, I believe, and superintends his general education." "Who is Lecroix?" "My valet, courier, body-guard, letter-carrier, and general factotum. A useful vagabond, without whom I should scarcely know my right hand from my left!" "Poor Bijou! I fear, then, your chance of being remembered is small indeed!" said Madame de Courcelles, compassionately.

Constance departed to greet the curate thus disrespectfully designated, a youthful individual of rather prepossessing appearance. Just behind him appeared Rose and Muriel LeCroix and other girls whom Frances knew at school. Soon the children came thick and fast, shy youngsters propelled by older brothers and sisters, independent groups, a few babies in arms, a scattering of older people.

Sergeant Donaldson, soldier and sailor too, who was to meet a tragic death the next year, made a dangerous voyage from Fort Churchill to Fullerton and return. A patrol with mail went from Regina to Churchill, Assistant Surgeon LeCroix being sent with this patrol.

As the service began, Frances stole a glance at the windows banked with glossy laurel and holly, over which she and Edith had worked with Rose LeCroix and her sister Muriel. Just because she had helped do something for that little church in a foreign land, Fran experienced a sudden blessed feeling of belonging a bit.

The door was opened quickly by a lookout of the Clutching Hand and the valet asked if Craig and Elaine's lawyer were in. Of course the lookout replied that they were and, before Elaine knew it, she was jostled into the dark hallway and the door was banged shut. Resistance was useless now and she was hurried along until another door was opened. There she saw LeCroix and the other crooks.