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“I have required your assistance, my friendshe cried, in a low voice, “in order to arrest Nathaniel Bumppo, commonly called the Leather-Stocking He has assaulted a magistrate, and resisted the execution of a search-war rant, by threatening the life of a constable with his rifle. In short, my friends, he has set an example of rebellion to the laws, and has become a kind of outlaw.

I have found them very good reading, at least, for one young man, for one middle-aged man, and for one who is growing old. No, no banish the Antiquary, banish Leather-Stocking, and banish all the world! Let us not go about to make life duller than it is." By RICHARD HENRY STODDARD

The front of this living column was distinctly marked by a line but very slightly indented, so regular and even was the flight. Even Marmaduke forgot the morality of Leather-Stocking as it approached, and, in common with the rest, brought his musket to a poise. “Firecried the sheriff, clapping a coal to the priming of the cannon.

She stood for some time, deeply reflecting within herself; but, sensible it was a time for action instead of reflection, she struggled to shake off her hesitation, and replied, firmly: “Well, then it must be done by me alone. There is no other than yourself to be trusted, or poor old Leather-Stocking will be discovered.

Benny Pump has the money ready, but we daren’t come into the town to get it. Nobody has it but the Frenchman. 'Tis of the best, and just suits a rifle. Will you get it for me, gal? say, will you get it for me“Will I? I will bring it to you, Leather-Stocking, though I toil a day in quest of you through the woods. But where shall I find you, and how

We wish to show the Leather-Stocking that we do not forget his services, and that at the same time we must be just, we are also grateful. I suppose you are on a similar errand; but let me beg that you will give us leave to precede you ten minutes. Good-night, sir; I I am quite sorry, Mr. Edwards, to see you reduced to such labor; I am sure my father would ”

Every instant she expected to see the impending spear of Leather-Stocking darting into the thronging hosts that were rushing beneath her, where it would seem that a blow could not go amiss; and where, as her father had already said, the prize that would be obtained was worthy any epicure. But Natty had his peculiar habits, and, it would seem, his peculiar tastes also.

Leather-Stocking raised his head, and laughed again, when he abruptly thrust out a wrinkled hand, and said: “You’re young yet, Billy, and haven’t seen the matches that I have; but here’s my hand; I bear no malice to you, I don’tMr.

As they crossed the little terrace of rock, one of the dead trees, that had been tottering for several minutes, fell on the spot where they had stood, and filled the air with its cinders. Such an event quickened the steps of the party, who followed the Leather-Stocking with the urgency required by the occasion.

“What says he, Leather-StockingInquired the priest, with tender interest; “sings he the Redeemer’s praise“No, no ’tis his own praise that he speaks nowsaid Natty, turning in a melancholy manner from the sight of his dying friend; “and a good right he has to say it all, for I know every word to be true“May heaven avert such self-righteousness from his heart!