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Dere was a little winder in my lof lookin' toward de creek-road, an' on de leabes ob some trees I could see a little glimmer ob de light dat Missy Roberta had put dar as a signal. Dat glimmer was jes' awful, fer I knowed it mean woun's and death to de sogers, an' liberty or no liberty fer me. Bimeby I heared steps off toward de creek-road, but dey soon die away.

Wait for me here, ole 'omen, till I come back, and if I nebber comes, all I leabes is yourn, you know," sighed the old man, setting down the lantern and beginning to button up his great coat preparatory to braving the storm. But at this moment a figure came rushing through the snow towards the kitchen door.

"Yes, missy, I neber remembers much about it till I leabes old Berginny; some how or oder, I finds out dat old massa's people hab a God, but I neber 'spect he know anyting 'bout poor black man."

I done gib it all up when I hear dem in de water arter me." "Did you get any thing to eat when you went out of the cane-brake," asked Lily. "No, missy; I got seen 'fore I find any ting." "Poor fellow! Then you haven't had any thing to eat for three days?" "Noting but leabes an de bark ob trees." "I will give you some supper at once," said Lily, as she hastened to the cabin. "Lily!" called Dan.

I'll tell you what you do." "Well?" exclaimed Nigel, anxiously, while his companion frowned savagely under the force of the thoughts that surged through his brain. "Here's what you'll do," said Moses. "Well?" "We're on our way home to Krakatoa." "Yes well?" "One ob our men leabes us to-morrer goes to 'is home on de coast. Kitch one ob de steamers dat's allers due about dis time."

"Come, Miss Nora, honey; my ole 'oman aint agwine to turn you away for your misfortins: we leabes dat to white folk; she'll be a mother to you, honey; and I'll be a father; an' I wish in my soul as I knowed de man as wronged you; if I did, if I didn't give him a skin-full ob broken bones if he was as white as cotton wool, if I didn't, my name aint Mr.

I'll tell you what you do." "Well?" exclaimed Nigel, anxiously, while his companion frowned savagely under the force of the thoughts that surged through his brain. "Here's what you'll do," said Moses. "Well?" "We're on our way home to Krakatoa." "Yes well?" "One ob our men leabes us to-morrer goes to 'is home on de coast. Kitch one ob de steamers dat's allers due about dis time."