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I have now to draw your attention to a new motor of my own invention, of the weight of 124 lb., which, at 1,550 revolutions, gives 31 amperes and 61.5 volts at terminals. The mechanical horse power is 1.37, and the coefficient 373. Ohms. Armature resistance 0.4 w. Field-magnet resistance 0.17 w. Insulation resistance 1,500,000 w.

The Gold Coast prefers yellow Virginia, whose invoice price is 7d. per lb. The traders are now introducing Kentucky, which, landed from Yankee ships, costs 6d. But, here as elsewhere, it is difficult to bring about any such change. The blacks complained that they were too new; and I should rank them with the average produce of Brazilian Bahia.

The ends of these girders were then picked up on the sides of the viaduct, and, spanning the central rock core, carried all structures while the core was being excavated and the viaduct completed. New foundations were then placed on the deck of the viaduct to carry all structures. Fifty-four of these girders were required, each weighing about 19,000 lb. They were of long-leaf yellow pine.

Although these fish, which weigh from 8 lb. to 10 lb., do not take a bait, and are rather too coarse to eat, their roes are very good, especially when smoked.

But I obtained ten years ago for the museum, where it now may be seen, an African elephant's tusk weighing 228-1/2 lb. Its fellow weighed a couple of pounds less. It measures 10 ft. 2 in. in length along the curvature. This tusk was recognised by Sir Henry Stanley's companion, Mr. Jephson, when he was with me in the museum, as actually one which he had last seen in the centre of Africa.

Ayrton and Perry. They are believed to have the special advantage of giving a larger power for a given weight than any others. One weighing 99 lb. gave 11/2 horse-power in some tests lately made. One weighing 36 lb. gave 0.41 horse-power.

Rough pines run up to as much as 6 lb. weight each, but this is uncommon, the best average I have met with being about 4 lb. per pine, and they were exceptionally good.

The torpedoists resorted to severe measures, but with a distinctly useful purpose in view, having bound the ship hand and foot, so to speak, in such a way that her name became a solecism. They exploded 95 lb. of gun cotton 20 ft. below the water, and in contact with her double bottom. This amount of explosive represents the full charge of the old pattern 16 in.

EGGS LAID AND GAIN IN WEIGHT HENS. | | | Lot I. | Lot II. | Nitrogenous. | Carbonaceous. || | | Live weight, July 26. | 23.53 | 23.56 " " November 27. | 21.31 | 22.00 Loss. | 2.22 | 1.56 Number of eggs laid. | 79.00 | 26.00 Weight " " " lb. | 8.25 | 2.92 Average weight of eggs, oz. | 1.67 | 1.80 Gain in weight, including eggs, lb. | 6.03 | 1.36 ||

All kinds of fruit and vegetables, except Brussels sprouts, are cheap and plentiful. I will quote one or two prices at random from a market-book: artichokes, l½d. a lb.; tomatoes, 2d. a lb.; beetroot and cabbages, 1s. 6d. a dozen; potatoes, 6s. a cwt. During the season fruit is very cheap.