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He was at length interrupted by the adjutant, who communicated something in a low voice. "Let him be brought up, Mr. Lawson," was the reply. Then advancing into the heart of the group, and addressing the two adventurers, he enquired, in a tone that startled from its singular mildness, "if they were provided with every thing they required."

Verne," said Phillip sadly, "I love Marguerite as I shall never love another woman. She is lost to me forever, but I shall cherish her memory while I live. Her image shall be enshrined within my heart; my life's devotion, my guiding star; they cannot rob me of that sacred duty. It is sanctioned by heaven itself." Phillip Lawson now turned his face toward the couch.

It was now growing late, and she stood in the door bidding all good-evening, preparatory to going home. Suddenly the girl gave utterance to a wild shriek and leaped into the house, holding her wrist in her left hand. "What is the matter?" asked Mr. Lawson. "I am bitten on the wrist," she cried. "Surely you cannot be bitten, for I have seen nothing to bite you." "Nevertheless, I am bitten.

What hope was there of a conviction?" "None, none; never make any more botherment about it, Master Lawson," said the third. "The little tailor is safe. He can do no harm as a witness." "I'm none so sure of that," rejoined the first speaker. The door was thrown open and the three men stepped aside to allow the crush to pass them. One of the first to enter was Mrs. Garth.

He gave a swift look about the room, a glance so hurried that it seemed impossible he could have satisfied himself that they were alone, and then began to speak. Lawson recognised him at once as the keeper of a house he had raided the week before, a big, crowded place, where the police had captured a score of players and much money.

Lawson was already prospecting over a trip to Mrs. Lee's Intelligence Office to procure a successor to the lamented Kitty. "Look here Brother Phillip, I believe that I can get a new girl without any trouble." "You little one!" cried the young man, laughing at the idea of such a grave responsibility being associated with the child.

"Do you know," he said, "you've mentioned more names in the last ten minutes than you've mentioned in all the weeks I've been here? You give me a mental cramp. Why, I thought you and I had these hills to ourselves; instead we're threatened on every side, and yet I haven't seen a soul on my tramps. Where do they keep themselves? What has this Burke Lawson done, to stir the people?"

Lawson had pounced upon Jed and had him pinioned. "I ain't goin' ter turn a key on yer like yo' was aimin' ter do on me! It's up to yo' an' yer wigglin' powers, when yo' get free. The emptier yer belly is, the more room ye'll have fer wiggling. God bless yer! yer dog-gone hound! Bless yer an' curse yer! I'm off with the doney-gal!" And off he was he and his cruel but gay laugh.

Duane stole through the bushes and trees, and when nearing the porch he heard loud, angry, familiar voices. Longstreth and Lawson were quarreling again. How Duane's lucky star guided him! He had no plan of action, but his brain was equal to a hundred lightning-swift evolutions. He meant to take any risk rather than kill Longstreth. Both of the men were out on the porch.

He had no shame. He was simply in the grip of passion. Longstreth gazed with dark, controlled fury at this relative. In that look Duane saw a strong, unscrupulous man fallen into evil ways, but still a man. It betrayed Lawson to be the wild and passionate weakling. Duane seemed to see also how during all the years of association this strong man had upheld the weak one.