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Its natural position is exclusively pensile; it moves laterally from branch to branch with great ease, by using each foot alternately, and climbs, when necessary, by means of its claws. When at rest, or asleep, the disposition of the limbs is most curious.

She lifted ten inches forward and three feet four inches aft, at the same time heeling six degrees to port. The ice was getting below us and the immediate danger had passed. The position was lat. 69° 19´ S., long. 50° 40´ W. The next attack of the ice came on the afternoon of October 18th. The two floes began to move laterally, exerting great pressure on the ship.

Three or four successive reflections into a totally dark chamber will suffice in five or six minutes. When an important subject cannot be revisited it is well to take duplicates; the camera should be shifted laterally a few inches for a near object, or a few feet for a distant view, and then the two films will form a stereograph, if both succeed.

These are an example of secondary roots, which are roots springing laterally from any part of the stem. The Sweet Potato has both fleshy and fibrous roots and forms secondary roots of both kinds every year. Some of the seedlings will probably show the root-hairs to the naked eye. These will be noticed hereafter. Tap-root. 2. Multiple root of Pumpkin. 3. Napiform root of Turnip. 4.

In Oenothera the main stem is prolonged upwards beyond the fan; in the others the main stem is lacking or at least undiscernable, but this feature manifestly is only of secondary importance. We might even prefer the image of a fan, adjusted laterally to a stem, which itself is not interrupted by this branch. On this principle two further considerations are to be discussed.

At the polarizing angle one beam only is capable of being thus reflected. Which? I now turn the glass plate and try to reflect both beams laterally. It is plain that, by means either of the tourmaline or the reflecting glass, we can determine in a moment the direction of vibration in any polarized beam.

The south portal, the Portal de la Vierge dorée or Portal de Saint Honoré, shares company with the west façade in its richness of sculpture and its rose window and its gable. Here also are to be seen the supporting buttresses which spring laterally from the wall of the transept and cross with those which come from the choir.

"For my part, I pitched my camp below the kraal; and then, having procured a beam of wood from the head man rather a rotten one, by the way I set it across two boughs that ran out laterally from the baobab tree, at a height of about twenty-five feet from the ground, in such fashion that I and another man could sit upon it with our legs hanging down, and rest our backs against the bole of the tree.

One of these dikes was remarkable from having been in two or three places laterally disjointed, with unbroken gneiss interposed between the broken ends, and in one part with a portion of the gneiss driven, apparently whilst in a softened state, into its side or wall.

Water descends from the surface along these rifts; it moves laterally from either side to the fissure plane, just as ground water seeps through the surrounding rocks from every direction to a well; and it ascends through these natural water ways as in an artesian well, whenever they intersect an aquifer in which water is under hydrostatic pressure.