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Sparhawk, "to consider the great scandal ye occasion by this unseemly altercation. Who is there doubts the godly zeal of Col. McMahon, or the loyalty of Capt. Larkham, or the valor of either? There is no cause of enmity betwixt ye, but contrariwise of peace and good will. How sweet it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

"I shall entreat of your courtesy," said Larkham, slowly, "to weigh well the words which it may be your pleasure to apply to any opinions of mine, I will resent any imputations upon the loyalty of the colony, or upon mine own." "Think not to affect me by any threats, sir," answered the Colonel, standing up, and looking sternly at his opponent.

Larkham," he said, as soon as the commotion occasioned by his sudden appearance abated, "I do appreciate thy well meaning love, but hold it an unprofitable thing to engage in debates which can lead to no useful results. What I have done, I have done, and that not in the inconsiderate heat of youthful blood, but with the thoughtful deliberation that becometh manhood.

Call you yourselves loyal subjects who tolerate such an outrage?" "And by what authority," retorted Larkham, "was the Papistical sign foisted into the standard of England, except by that of the scarlet woman, whose robes are red with the blood of the saints?" "Methinks," said the Colonel, "that the flag which waved at Cressy and Poitiers deserved a better fate."

If not treason, it is something very like." "Bethink you, Colonel McMahon," said the first speaker, "that this is not England. I trow we left her to but little purpose, if we are to enjoy no more liberty here than there." "What kind of a liberty call you that, Capt. Larkham," demanded the other, "which authorizes Endicott, or any other man, to cut out the cross from the King's colors?

"I pray thee to take to heart and perpend," answered Larkham, with some solemnity, "that I will yield in loyalty to no man, and that the last drop of blood I have is at the service of my country. In this matter a distinction is to be taken.