United States or Austria ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I looked down upon her. She was so pretty and so dear to me: I must keep her, and if those were the only terms upon which she would stay with me I must accept them. The landlady came into the room at this minute followed by the maid to lay the luncheon; in the landlady's hand was a fat, black book which she presented diffidently to Viola. "It's the Visitors' book, ma'am," she said.

She arrived at home a little before the midday dinner, and presently the landlady came in to lay the cloth. This used to be Agnes' occupation. Effie did not say anything while the woman was in the room, but when she went out she remarked on this change. "Oh, it's all right," said Mrs. Staunton. "I pay half a crown a week extra, and the landlady now waits on us.

The landlady, now as eager to throw light upon the criminal's escape as she had formerly been desirous of withholding it, for the miscellaneous contents of the purse argued strongly to her mind that all was not right, Mrs. Mac-Candlish, I say, now gave Glossin to understand that her position and hostler had both seen the stranger upon the ice that day when young Hazlewood was wounded.

Sectarian hatred of worldly amusement flamed in her eyes, and made common cause with the ordinary prejudice of the British landlady. Mr. Ede shared his mother's opinions, but as he was then suffering from a splitting headache, his chief desire was that she should lower the tone of her voice. 'For goodness' sake don't speak so loud! he said plaintively.

She became sick; the landlady had to come up and help her; the doctor had to be sent for, and he had told her that this nervous breakdown had been long overdue; she had been working under too great a strain; it only needed some shock to break her. But while she lay in a sick fever her heart went out to Joe. If she only could be at his side, nerve him to the fight, protect him and soothe him.

"It looks worse in the morning than it does at night and we thought that wasn't possible when we came here last evening," said George when the Go Ahead boys looked behind them after their departure. "I think I will send that landlady a Christmas present of a cake of soap," said Grant soberly. "She wouldn't know what it was for," laughed John, "if you did."

The landlady, who had escorted her to view them, not having left her, she inquired "what large church that was on the other side of the square?" "It is the Ascension," replied the lady; "the music is very fine there; we will go and hear it to-morrow, if you please." "And that massive building in face of us?" "That is the Holy Inquisition," said the widow, crossing herself.

But this was impossible; for the landlady had-lived through more ordeals than anybody else in town, and her manner said plainly, that no passing stranger should carry off her championship. So she made the dismal room so doleful with her talk that aunt Corinne began to feel terribly about life, and Robert Day wished he had gone to the barn with Zene.

Farmer Hearty. A Waiter and crowd of Eton Lads. The Marchioness of Piercefield, Mother of Lord John. Lady Violetta her Daughter, a Child of six or seven years old. Mrs. Talbot. Lousia Talbot, her Daughter. Miss Bursal, Daughter to the Alderman. Mrs. Newington, Landlady of the Inn at Salt Hill. Sally, a Chambermaid. Patty, a Country Girl. Pipe and Tabor, and Dance of Peasants.

The landlady lived downstairs, and gave us our meals when we were at home. As soon as we got settled we left our cards and letters of introduction. Invitation followed invitation in the most bewildering manner, sometimes several for the same day. I could not begin to tell you all that we have already done. Writing letters seems to be the one thing which I have no time for.