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Yes we know you may send Alberta grain west by Panama to Liverpool; but even with half going by Panama, can the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence route take care of the rest? We hear about a constant shortage of cars; of elevators bulging with grain every September; of miles of lake cargo carriers waiting to get in and out of their berths every October before navigation closes.

Legislation repealing the Johnson Act on foreign loans as recommended by me on September 6, 1945. Legislation for the development of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin-as recommended by me on October 3, 1945. Today inflation is our greatest immediate domestic problem. So far the fight against inflation has been waged successfully.

Legislation repealing the Johnson Act on foreign loans as recommended by me on September 6, 1945. Legislation for the development of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin-as recommended by me on October 3, 1945. Today inflation is our greatest immediate domestic problem. So far the fight against inflation has been waged successfully.

As a conspicuous result of political action the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is still more the subject of politics than of history, and it is quite likely to remain in that phase for some time. The year 1921 will also be memorable for the work of the joint American-Canadian Commission appointed to investigate the possibility of the proposed Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Waterways.