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But now we are gradually righting ourselves, and getting into a prosperous condition. Now are being raised again the cries for a grand policy. I caution you against them. Let us manage our own affairs. Laissez faire, laissez aller that is our policy for South Africa. There are no nostrums required. The one thing required is the gradual bringing of the Dutch and English together.

It would be inaccurate to say that the theory of laissez faire had completely given way by the end of the half century after the Civil War. Nor would it be wholly correct to say that any other theory has yet demonstrated its permanent reliability, Nevertheless the distinctive philosophy upon which later legislation has been built is the theory of public interest.

It was of necessity a social thing; the supreme art-products of the race had been, like the Greek tragedy and the Gothic cathedral, a result of the labor of a whole community. And what could the modern man, a solitary and predatory wolf in the wilderness of laissez faire what could he conceive of such a state of soul?

'When we have settled that you go with me, you shall know all; but otherwise, the knowledge might rather be prejudicial to you. 'But are you serious in your purpose, with such inferior forces, to rise against an established government? It is mere frenzy. 'LAISSEZ FAIRE A DON ANTOINE I shall take good care of myself.

The chief of these errors was, according to these new teachers, the abnormal development of individualism the adoption of that principle of laissez faire which forms the basis of what may be called the Orthodox School of Political Economists. Individualism and unrestricted competition, it was said, have now reached in the West an abnormal and monstrous development.

It was believed that the amazing success of the American business pioneer was proof of the wisdom of the laissez faire philosophy. The economic giant and hero was the self-made man. Economic abuses, according to the laissez faire philosophy, would normally be corrected by economic law, chiefly through competition.

In connection with the neglect of the idea that the recognition of certain duties is as important as the recognition of rights in the political and social state that is, in connection with the doctrine of laissez faire this popular notion of equality is one of the most disastrous forces in modern society.

The demand on the part of business men for protection from state legislation, which Roscoe Conkling described in the San Mateo case, arose from their belief in the economic doctrine of laissez faire. Believers in this theory looked upon legislation which regulated business as a species of meddling or interference.

No events could shake that, but it was the work of experience to reinforce all the native individualism of his confident and self-reliant temper, to harden into an extreme dogma that general belief in laissez faire which was the common property of most of the English progressives of his day, and to beget in him not merely a doubt in the efficacy of violent revolutions, but a dislike of all concerted political effort and the whole collective work of political associations.

This was not long delayed, and the "laissez aller" being pronounced, the preux chevaliers started forward with so much fury, and so little discretion, that meeting half-way with a tremendous shock, and butting against each other like two rams, both were thrown violently backwards, exhibiting, amid the shouts of the spectators, their heels, no longer hidden by the trappings of their steeds, kicking in the air.